Equine IgG

Equine IgG

Artikelnr: Nal-1172064N-05 Kategori:

Frågor om Equine IgG?

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Equine IgG

The tamaVet® Equine IgG Test is intended for the semi- quantitative detection of equine immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the whole blood or serum of foals. It is not possible for horses to transfer immunoglobulin to their foals through the placenta, meaning newborns are primarily dependent on the absorption of maternal antibodies in the first few hours and weeks following birth. The failed absorption of colostrum (failure of passive transfer/FPT) or insufficient absorption of IgG poses a serious health risk from resulting hypogammaglobulinaemia. Ensuing immunosuppression can lead to a number
of severe secondary infections and even sepsis. Clinical symptoms can include diarrhoea, arthritides, pneumonia, apathy and dehydration. Hypogammaglobulinaemia is one of the most common forms of immunodeficiency in foals and affects approximately 3-30% of the population. For a prompt diagnosis, it is recommended to determine IgG
levels in foals approximately 18 to 24 hours post natum. The test is suitable for the early detection of hypogammaglobulinaemia in the routine monitoring of newborn foals. If necessary, it is recommended to repeat the test as a means of monitoring treatment.

Equine IgG

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nal von minden TamaVet Broschyr


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