Drug-Screen® UR-144 Rapid Test

Drug-Screen® UR-144 Rapid Test


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Drug-Screen® UR-144 Rapid Test

For the detection of UR-144 in urine · Cut-off: 25 ng/mL

A dangerously potent synthetic cannabinoid Of the more than 620 new psychoactive substances (NPS) being tracked by the EU early warning system, over a quarter are synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists. One of these is UR-144. Originally developed and patented by Abbott Laboratories in the course of cannabis research, UR-144 – also known by the official designations TMCP-018, KM-X1, MN001 and YX-17, or in the drug scene as K4 – is now flooding the drug market. As a selective full agonist of the psychoactive CB1 receptor and especially the peripheral CB2 receptor, UR144 has effects similar to cannabis but is significantly more potent. Using UR-144 – originally a ‘legal high’ but now illegal in the majority of countries worldwide – means walking a fine line between a deliberate rush and an accidental overdose. As is common among synthetic cannabinoids, the unknown or underestimated potency of the substance can lead to undesirable side effects such as paranoia, anxiety, panic attacks and even psychosis. In addition – and in contrast to natural cannabis – regular use can lead to a severe dependence which can trigger withdrawal symptoms.

A convenient cross-reaction Because the two substances share a degradation product, the rapid test can detect the fluoridated variant XLR-11 (5F-UR144) in urine, in addition to UR-144 itself. According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), XLR-11 was among the top 10 synthetic cannabinoids reported in 2019. The nal von minden Drug-Screen® UR-144 Rapid Test is a competitive immunoassay for the qualitative detection of UR-144 in human urine, with a cut-off of 25 ng/mL. It can be used as an aid in the initiation or monitoring of therapeutic measures. As an in-vitro diagnostic tool for professional use, the test delivers a visual, preliminary analytic result.

Your benefi ts at a glance

✔ Perfect in combination with our spice/K2 rapid test

✔ Detection of the main metabolite

✔ Easy to use, delivering fast and reliable results in just 5-8 minutes

✔ Minimum shelf life of 11 months

✔ Can also be integrated into multi-test combinations

✔ In accordance with DIN EN ISO 15189 for medical laboratories, our rapid tests are also available barcoded for use in reader-based evaluation

Drug-Screen® UR-144 Rapid Test

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Drug-Screen® UR-144 Rapid Test


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