Drug-Screen® CAT Rapid Test

Drug-Screen® CAT Rapid Test


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Drug-Screen® CAT Rapid Test

Rapid test for the detecti on of cathine in urine · Cut-off : 100 ng/mL

Nature’s amphetamine Cathine is a psychoacti ve sti mulant which functi ons like an amphetamine. However, this substance does not have to be chemically synthesised – both cathine and cathinone (the acti ve ingredient of which cathine is the main metabolite) are naturally occurring in the leaves of the khat plant (Catha edulis). This shrub is culti vated in the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa – primarily in Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and Yemen. In these countries, khat has traditi onal medicinal uses and is also an integral part of the local culture. Although the use of khat is not yet widespread in Europe, seizures of khat leaves are becoming increasingly common. While it is not an internati onally controlled substance, both khat and its acti ve ingredient are listed as illicit drugs in most European countries – only in Great Britain are the sale and consumpti on of khat permitt ed. A diagnosti c gap is closing Although khat leaves can be brewed into tea or smoked, they are usually consumed by chewing them over several hours. As khat is predominantly eliminated in the form of cathine, the concentrati on of this metabolite can reach very high levels aft er consumpti on. 3 to 6 hours later, peak urinary concentrati ons ranging from 15,000 to 30,000 ng/mL can be measured.
The eliminati on half-life of cathine is approximately 2 to 8 hours. With the Drug-Screen® CAT 100 test, cathine in urine can be detected up to a maximum of approximately 72 hours aft er consumpti on.

Your benefi ts at a glance

✔ Detecti on window: chronic use: 2-3 weeks / one-off use: up to 3 days

✔ Detecti on of the main metabolite

✔ Qualitati ve test

✔ Easy to use

✔ Fast and reliable results in just 5-8 minutes

✔ Minimum shelf life of 11 months

✔ Can also be integrated into multi -test combinati ons

✔ In accordance with DIN EN ISO 15189 for medical laboratories, our rapid tests are also available barcoded for use in reader-based evaluati on

Drug-Screen® CAT Rapid Test

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Drug-Screen® CAT Rapid Test


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