Hydrolab – Flex Dozer

Vattenrening – Flex Dozer

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Hydrolab – Flex Dozer

The Dozer 6.2 device produced by Hydrolab allows volumetric dosing of specific amount of ultrapure water.
It complements the Hydrolab offer with a variety of functions to ensure convenience in taking water from the water
purification station. The modern firmware features a user-friendly interface and intuitive operation of the touch screen.
Additionally, all water dispensing events and parameters are recorded on the microSD memory card.
The system includes a PC software which allows you to visualize the saved parameters and calculate basic statistics
of water consumption at the selected period of time. In addition to the manual operating mode, the automatic
mode can be launched via the user interface. It lets you set a single dosing event on a specific day at a specific
time or plan a periodic dosing at a given time interval, e.g. dosing 2 liters every 3 hours.
The Dozer 6.2 can also be used independently of the Hydrolab water purification station, for example for tap water dosing.

The Dozer 6.2 can be optionally equipped with water electrical conductivity measurement (or electrical resistance) with the auto-rang
mechanism for water temperature measurement. The conductivity (resistance) measurement can be temperature compensated.
The user panel lets you choose the method of temperature compensation (linear, non-linear), reference temperature,
temperature coefficient (for linear compensation) or disable the compensation function. The user interface also provides a
visualization of the water flow rate. This parameter is related to the selection of one of the two available flow sensors.
The first one is used for more precise dosing of up to 100 liters (with a resolution of 50 ml) at a flow rate of 0.1-1.5 l/min,
while the second one is used for dosing of up to 1000 liters (with a resolution of 0.5 l) at a flow rate 1.5-25 l/min.
The Dozer 6.2 is equipped with a digital water intake counter which can be reset by the user.
There is an option to login to the user interface with an individual four-digit PIN code for up to 5 users.
This option and codes can be set via the PC software. The RS232 and USB ports ensure
communication between the unit and the PC.
There are the following user interface languages available: Polish, English, German, Russian, Croatian, Spanish. Other languages on request.

Technical specification:


Hydrolab – Flex Dozer
Hydrolab – Produktkatalog



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