GRANT – SBB AQUA PLUS-serien vattenbad – Storlekar: 5-26 liter

Storlekar: 5-26 liter

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GRANT – SBB AQUA PLUS-serien vattenbad

The SBB Aqua Plus boiling baths are robust, reliable and provide continuous 100ºC operation. The range consists of four models to suit a range of applications and any budget.

• Adjustable energy regulator provides steady boiling
• Constant level device maintains liquid level
• Robust and reliable design to withstand everyday wear and tear
• Simple, intuitive controls – quick and easy to set temperature
• Choice of sizes to suit individual applications
• Non-drip polycarbonate lid included as standard


  • Clinical, microbiology and pathology labs – media preparation
  • University research/teaching – tissue culture preparation, warming tissue culture media
  • Industrial laboratories – equipment sanitisation, sample preparation for immuno assays
  • Science education in schools/universities – practical science demonstration and experimentation


SBB Aqua 5 Plus

SBB Aqua 12 Plus

SBB Aqua 18 Plus

SBB Aqua 26 Plus

Dimensions (h x d x w) 375 x 250 x 390mm 440 x 385 x 390mm 445 x 600 x 390mm 445 x 600 x 390mm
Capacity 5L 12L 18L 26L
Temperature range 100ºC only 100ºC only 100ºC only 100ºC only
Working area 145 x 290mm 315 x 290mm 495 x 290mm 495 x 290mm
Min/Max liquid depth 50/125mm 50/125mm 50/125mm 70/175mm
Temperature setting/energy regulation Analogue Analogue Analogue Analogue
Safety Two fixed thermal cut-outs Two fixed thermal cut-outs Two fixed thermal cut-outs Two fixed thermal cut-outs
Heater power – 230V 1500W 1500W 2000W 2000W
Heater power – 120V 1300W 1350W 1350W 1350W
Supply voltage 120 or 230V 120 or 230V 120 or 230V 120 or 230V
Weight 5.5kg 7.8kg 10.2kg 11kg
Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog  


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