GRANT Labwise® PC Software



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GRANT Labwise

Labwise® is a powerful and convenient software package for programming, controlling and recording key parameters of high performance baths and circulators in the Grant Optima range; TX150, TXF200 and LT ecocool via a PC.

Labwise® set-up features

  • set temperature
  • set high and low alarms; alarms can be configured to switch a relay
  • set reaction timer
  • set delayed start and stop time
  • control of output relays for refrigeration on/off control and operating ancillary equipment
  • control of pump speed for Grant TXF200 heating circulator

Labwise® programming features

  • set cool or heat time to target
  • program values may be set graphically or numerically
  • up to 30 segments per program
  • set number of loops, 1 to 254 or infinite looping between selected way points
  • programmed control of output relays for each segment, for operating ancillary equipment
  • control of pump speed for Grant TXF200 heating circulator

Labwise® display and logging features

  • display of temperature/time profile on screen in real time
  • real time zoom and scaling of graphical display
  • logging of temperature profiles to disk for storage and subsequent analysis
  • store programs to disk

GRANT Labwise

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GRANT Labwise
Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog



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