ecocool 100R – Grant, energieffektiv kyld cirkulationstermostat, komplett kit med slangar och kopplingar. – Från -20°C upp till 100°C

Från -20°C upp till 100°C

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Frågor om ecocool 100R – Grant, energieffektiv kyld cirkulationstermostat, komplett kit med slangar och kopplingar. – Från -20°C upp till 100°C?

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Grant ecocool 100R

A new range of innovative, eco-friendly, refrigerated heating circulating baths offering significant running cost savings whilst delivering powerful cooling.

Consisting of two models, all products in the ecocool range are supplied assembled as ready to use kits, complete with accessory hosing, clips and connectors as standard.

  • Choice of two models, temperature range -25°C to 150°C (model dependent)
  • 3 year warranty with Grant renowned service and support, no registration required
  • Active cooling through the whole temperature range
  • True energy saving of up to 80% against standard compressor units
  • Built in Britain to the highest specifications
  • Thermostat and chiller work in harmony, neither will operate alone, eliminating any danger of overheating or freezing
  • Single front switch for user convenience
  • Modern, sleek, attractive design


  • Pharmaceutical – mini pilot plant reactors
  • Education – rotary evaporator cooling, replacement of running tap water cooling, immersing small samples, photometry, chromatography systems
  • Industrial – QC testing, sample preparation, general cooling, reaction chemistry, temperature control, semi-conductor manufacturing, rheometry
  • Food – refractometry
  • Life-science – electrophoresis cooling
  • High temperature cooling – active up to 150ºC

Grant ecocool 100R


ecocool energy efficient refrigerated / heating circulating baths

ecocool 100R

ecocool 150R

Temperature range °C -20 to 100 -25 to 150
Temperature stability ±°C 0.05 0.02
Flow rate (max)  L/min 17 14 – 22 (adjustable)
Pump pressure (max) mbar 250 530
Tank volume L 4.5 5.5
Working Area (d x w)  mm 120 x 150 120 x 150
Min/Max liquid level mm 105/140 160/190
Calibration points 2 5
Cooling power (typical)             W @ 20°C 250 450
@ 0°C 200 350
@ -10°C 100 300
 @ -20°C 50 200
Programs 1 x 30 segments via Labwise™
Communication interface USB
Temperature probe socket 6 pin mini DIN
Display 4 digit LED Full colour QVGA TFT
Languages 5 (EN, FR, DE, IT, ES)
Timer 1 min to 99 hrs 59 mins
Temperature presets 3
Alarms High High and low
Electrical power (max) W 120V/230V 2160/2070 (60/50 Hz) 2280/2760 (60/50 Hz)
Safety Adjustable over temperature cut-out Adjustable over temperature cut-out
Ready to use kits Assembled and supplied with standard tubing, insulation, clips and connectors Assembled and supplied with standard tubing, insulation, clips and connectors

Grant Instruments – Cirkulationsbad med kyla och värme – katalogsidor 
Grant Instruments – Ritning med mått/dimensioner – LT ecocool 100 och 150
Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog  

Videoklippet visar Grants cirkulationstermostater med kyla


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