Pol-Eko Icke standard enheter

Icke standard enheter

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Pol-Eko Icke standard enheter

There are different needs in the scientific life and the world of today offers unlimited possibilities. POL-EKO-APARATURA always meets our customers’ expectations in terms of customizing equipment and providing non-standard solutions. It’s a challenge for us and we are ready to take the plunge! We will tailor our equipment to your needs, as every unit manufactured by us features unlimited possibilities.

How will we meet your expectations?

Our sales, technical and IT staff will assist you to learn about you needs and create the product you are looking for.

Our sale staff will prepare the offer for you with detailed information and specification.

Upon receipt of your order, we will process it Your product will shortly be with you!

Examples of non-standard devices manufactured by POL-EKO-APARATURA

Drying oven with forced convection and customized capacity of 2500L, designed to dry large pieces placed on special trolleys. Application: automotive industry.

What’s special?

  • non-standard capacity of 2500L
  • large trolleys inside the chamber instead of regular shelves

Double-chamber drying oven and forced air convection. Each chamber of 500L and with a viewing window. Application: automotive industry.

What’s special?

  • non-standard capacity
  • double-chamber model

Standard capacity and forced air convection, but with a customized rotating shelf. Stainless steel interior, solid door, automatic air-flap, stainless steel  wire shelves and grill for bottles.

What’s special?

  • rotating grill to allow mixing of liquids

Climatic chamber with reinforced drawers. The interior has been divided into 2 compartments, each with 4 shelves with extra lighting, communication wire and air quality sensor. Rear wall comes with filtering fabric.  Application: mice breeding.

What’s special?

  • non-standard drawers
  • extra lighting
  • communication wire
  • air quality sensor
  • filtering fabric

150-litre cooled incubator in the TOP+ version and FIT phytotron system in side walls. Light colour and wave length can be customized.

What’s special?

  • FIT phytotron version in side walls

Laminar-thermostatic chamber to allow uniform and stable air flow at very low speed to create excellent temperature stability and uniformity. Main goal is to create perfect conditions for air flow. Application: testing of room thermostats.

What’s special?

  • stable air flow in the whole chamber
  • unique temperature stability and uniformity

Product designed for sterilizing of samples for pharma industry.


  • non-standard capacity to allow trolleys
  • HEPA filter
  • automatic door locking system while sterilizing
  • non-standard door size
  • pressure difference between the chamber and ambient environment to provide sterility
  • temperature up to 250°C
  • perfect temperature stability and uniformity
  • easy detachable door handles for disinfection

Pol-Eko Icke standard enheter

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