GRANT GRD-1 Temperature gradient plate



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GRANT GRD-1 – Temperature gradient plate

Highly efficient bi-directional temperature gradient system for investigating responses to temperature shifts of seeds, small plants, insects, micro-organisms or any small component or material. The design is based on the fact that a temperature gradient results if one edge of a square aluminium plate is heated and the opposite edge is cooled.

The gradient runs in one direction for part of the 24 hour cycle and can then be automatically switched to run at a right angle to its original direction for the remainder of the cycle, to provide all possible combinations of minimum and maximum temperatures.

  • Temperature range: +5 to 30ºC (cold edges)
  • Temperature range: ambient +5 to 45ºC (hot edges)
  • Perspex grid divides working area into 196 mini-incubators
  • Multi-channel Squirrel data logger (included as standard) for recording time and temperature
  • Over temperature protection is provided on each edge by fixed temperature cut-outs

GRANT GRD-1 – Temperature gradient plate


Dimensions (h x d x w) 1030 x 1020 x 1020mm
Temperature range cold edges Ambient +5 to 30°C
Temperature range hot edges Ambient +5 to 45°C
Stability 0.5±°C
Setting resolution 1.0°C
Display Digital
Display resolution 1.0ºC
Time/temperature recording via Squirrel data logger
Working area 760 x 760mm
Electrical power 2050W
EMC (emissions) Class A
Weight 300kg
Grant Temperature gradient
Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog



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