CAT Värmeplatta – H30/30C – Värmeplatta Ceran®, 300x300mm

Värmeplatta Ceran®, 300x300mmTemperatur 40-400°C

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CAT H30/30C Värmeplatta


  • Powerful hotplate with big heating surface. The surface will remain flat even after many thermal shocks. This means there is an optimum contact between hotplate and vessel to guarantee an evenly distributed heating of the liquid.
    • Up to 2000W heating power
    • Non-corrosive stainless steel cover

CAT H30/30C Hotplate

Name Value
Temperature range [°C] 40 – 400
Heating power [W] 2000
Heating plate form square
Heating plate material Ceran©
Suitable for oil or sand bath
Heating plate dimentions [mm] 300 x 300
Digital display type
Temperature display
Timer display
Timer function
Ramp function
Temperature control accuracy [°C] (internal control) ± 4
Temperature control accuracy [°C] (external probe)
Programmable safety temperature
Power supply [V] 230VAC 50Hz
Weight [kg] 7.6
Width [mm] 315
Height [mm] 150
Depth [mm] 315
Protection class according to DIN EN 60529 IP32
Operation mode Long-term duty
Certification CE
CAT – Produktöversikt

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