MK-10 / MK-20 – Värmeblock
1. LCD display. It is easy to set up and use
2. Simultaneous display of set and actual time, temperature
3. Temperature deflection adjusting meet with different demands
4. Easy to replace the metal blocks and is very simple to clean and sterilize
5. Microprocessor controlled incubation time and temperature
6. Beep-signal/Stop after program completed
7. Peltier design of MK-20 provides efficient thermal control
The MK-10/MK-20 Dry Bath Incubator is a microprocessor-controlled product using advanced thermoelectric technique. With this technique, more stable and accurated temperature control is achieved. Replacement is convenient with optional metal block of various specifications configured for different types of test tubes.
The MK-10/MK-20 Dry Bath Incubator is a microprocessor-controlled product using advanced thermoelectric technique. With this technique, more stable and accurated temperature control is achieved. Replacement is convenient with optional metal block of various specifications configured for different types of test tubes.
Code Description
AS-01040-00 MK-10(Heating), AC220V/AC120V, 50/60Hz, 150W
AS-01050-00 MK-20(Heating/Cooling), AC220V/AC120V, 50/60Hz, 200W
MK-10 / MK-20 – Dry Bath Incubator

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