MiniT-1 – Biological Indicator Incubator

MiniT-1 – Biological Indicator Incubator

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MiniT-1 – Biological Indicator Incubator

1. LCD display
2. MiniT-1 is with DC12V power
MiniT-3 is with DC24V power
3. Operating Temperature Range:
MiniT-1: From 5°C above ambient to 80°C
MiniT-3: From 5°C above ambient to 100°C
3. Time Range: 1min ~ 99h59min
4. Temp.Control Accuracy:  ≤±0.5°C
5. Display Accuracy: 0.1°C
6. Heating Time: < 6min  (from 20°C to 57°C)
7. Temp.Control Accurady @57°C: ≤±0.35°C
8. The Incubator haVE many wells for placement of the biological indicator vials and the wells can be custom-
made. User can set the incubating temperature and time.9. Material: Aluminium block
MiniT-1 / MiniT-3 Biological Indicator Incubator are designed for temperature incubation of the EO Biological Indicators. These are compact, tabletop incubator.
The MiniT-1 / MiniT-3 Biological Indicator Incubator are designed for temperature incubation of the EO Biological
Indicators. These provide easy verification of incubation temperature.1. The Incubator have many wells for placement of the biological indicator vials and the wells can be custom-
made. User can set the incubating temperature.
2.  Matereials: Aluminium block
3.  Well Diameter: According to custom-making

MiniT-1 – Biological Indicator Incubator

Model  TD2-12
 Capacity  12 Gel Cards
 Speed Range  800~1800rpm
 Centrifugal Force  54~272xg
 Timer  1~20min
 Noise  ≤55db
 Power  AC100~240V, 85W
 Dimensions (DxWxH)  440 x 340 x 170mm
 Net Weight  7kg


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