IB-20HL – Dry Bath Incubator – thermal cycler – Can be used for some simple PCR Tests

IB-20HL – Dry Bath Incubator

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Artikelnr: AS-01280-00 Kategorier: ,

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IB-20HL – Dry Bath Incubator – thermal cycler – Can be used for some simple PCR Tests

  • 1. Quick and easy-to-exchange Blocks
    2. Special-designed blocks improves temperature homogeneity
    3. Heating lid function available for turn on / off
    4. Individual sensor-controlled blocks allow for block-specific calibration
    5. Wifi-function is available with the APP software
    6. IB-20HL hold a software with a strong functions (Thermal cycler’s software function)
    — Set and display temperature, time and lid temperature
    — Set 9 programs and 99 cycles
    — Link programs function


  • The IB-10HL / IB-20HL Dry Bath Incubator are a microprocessor-controlled product using advanced thermoelectric technique and these is a adjustable heating lid like a thermal cycler. Peltier design of IB-20HL provides efficient thermal control like a thermal cycler. The IB-20HL can be used for some simple PCR tests. The IB-10HL and IB-20HL dry bath incubators are for heating or cooling functions almost of your lab vessels. Because the dry bath incubators with a heated lid can be achieved reliable prevention of condensate formation in tubes.
Code  Description
 AS-01280-00 IB-20HL, AC100~240V, 50/60Hz, 120W

IB-20HL – Dry Bath Incubator – thermal cycler – Can be used for some simple PCR Tests

  • Model
  • Temperature control range
    -5 ℃~105 ℃ (If ambient temperature≤20 °C)
  • Temperature control range
    0 °C~105 °C (If ambient temperature≤25 °C)
  • Temperature control range
    4 °C~105 °C (If ambient temperature≤30 °C)
  • Lid’s temperature range
    RT.+5 °C~110 °C
  • Timer range
    0~99 h59 min/0~99 min59 sec
  • Temp. accuracy for blocks
    ±0.5 ℃
  • Temp. accuracy for lid
    ±1 ℃
  • Uniformity within the block
    ±0.5 ℃
  • Display accuracy
    0.1 ℃
  • Heating time (RT 25 ℃)
    Heating speed: (37 °C-100 °C)≥6 °C/min
  • Cooling time
    Cooling speed: (100 °C-37 °C)≥6 °C/min
  • Dimension (W×D×H) mm
    313×168×196 mm
  • Weight
    3.0 kg
IB-20HL – Dry Bath Incubator – thermal cycler – Can be used for some simple PCR Tests
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