GRANT CH3-150 kombinationsblock med Värme/kyl-system

Kombinationsblock med Värme/kyl-system

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GRANT CH3-150 kombinationsblock med Värme/kyl-system

The Grant-bio CH3-150 Combitherm-2 dry block heating cooling system is specially designed to thermostabilise materials at temperatures from –3°C to +150°C according to methods of analysis.

  • Stability: ±0.1ºC
  • Independently regulated heating and cooling blocks in the same unit
  • Digital timer with sound alarm: 1 min to 99 h 59 min (increment 1 min)
  • User adjustable programmes (temperature and time): 16 (heating) + 16 (cooling)
  • Digital temperature control for optimum precision
  • Temperature Calibration Function
  • Protective lid

The CH3-150 has seven interchangeable blocks available. Custom blocks available on request.


Life-science – storing restriction enzymes, nick translation, ligation reactions, restriction digests, protein solubilisation for PAGE, warm incubation of microcentrifuge tubes for hybridisation, enzyme reactions and deactivations

Clinical – cooling blood samples prior to coagulation testing. acylcarnitines derivatisation, MRSA and PBP2 latex testing, heating flush/media used in egg recovery, fertility to keep test tubes at correct temperature during egg collection

Incubating samples at set temperatures, heating block for boiling of solutions in tubes

Life-science-cell digestion, DNA/RNA extraction, post sequencing PCT clean-up-dry down step, boiling in vitro DNA RNA/ protein samples, incubating invitro reactions/digestions, extraction of DNA for real-time PCR analysis, denaturing nucleic acid and protein samples

Industrial – digestion of environmental samples for chemical oxygen demand analysis, soil digests, maintaining temperatures

GRANT CH3-150 Combitherm-2 Dry Block Heating/Cooling System


Dimensions (h x d x w) 220 x 285 x 295mm
Heating block temperature range +25 to +150°C
Heating block temperature control range Ambient +5 to +150°C
Heating block setting resolution 1°C
Heating block stability ±0.1°C
Cooling block temperature range –3 to +20°C
Cooling block temperature control range Ambient -23 to ambient -5°C
Cooling block setting resolution 0.1°C
Cooling block stability ±0.1°C
Digital timer with sound alarm 1 min–99 hrs 59 min (increment 1 min)
User adjustable programs (temperature and time) 16 (heating) + 16 (cooling)
Display LCD
Nominal operating voltage 230V only (50/60Hz)
Weight 5.6kg
GRANT CH3-150 – Produktkatalog
Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog


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