Radwag – How to Clean Electronic Balances

How to Clean Electronic Balances

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How to Clean Electronic Balances? The RADWAG Laboratory Balances Cleaning Procedure

Electronic balances, especially laboratory balances, consist of kilograms of components. Among them are powder-coated, aluminum, ABS plastic, stainless steel and many other parts. All of them require a separate cleaning method. Which one? To find out, read the guide we’ve prepared titled Laboratory Balance Cleaning.

Why Is It Important to Clean Balances?


Keeping balances and measuring equipment clean ensures accurate measurements, reliable analysis and user safety. This is especially important for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical and food industries, where RADWAG laboratory balances are used.

Balance Cleaning – the Most Important Issues

We have divided our publication into three key subject areas. The first is cleaning methods and cleaning agents for balances’ structural components, the second is questions and recommendations related to balances’ cleaning, and the third is ways to verify correct operation of balances after maintenance.

What Are the Cleaning Methods for RADWAG Laboratory Balances? Appropriate Cleaning Agents for Balances

The cleaning procedure should be adjusted to the type of dirt and the type of surface. We clean glass, powder coated, aluminum, ABS plastic and stainless steel components differently. For details, we encourage you to read our publication (link below).

“How Often to Clean a Balance?” Frequently Asked Questions


In this section we answer your most frequently asked questions related to this topic, that is, “How often should a balance be cleaned?”, “How to avoid balance contamination?” and “How to improve work ergonomics?”.

What Are the Ways to Verify the Correct Operation of Balances after Maintenance?

After cleaning a balance, its correct operation must be verified and documented. This is required by quality management and safety assurance systems in the production system. These ways are adiustation; legalization, calibration and checking of balances with mass standards; reporting; verification documented through an audit certificate.

To know more, read the guide titled Laboratory Balance Cleaning

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