GRANT XUB-serien – Digitala ultraljudsbad

Ultraljudsbad Digital

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GRANT XUB-serien – Digitala ultraljudsbad

The XUB range of digitally controlled benchtop ultrasonic baths offer consistent and reliable performance in a variety of environments.

  • Incorporating Frequency LEAP technology to ensure uniform levels of ultrasonic activity throughout the fluid, these baths offer high performance giving an accurate and precise ultrasonic process.

    • Temperature range ambient +5ºC to 70ºC
    • Frequency LEAP technology provides more homogeneous ultrasonic activity throughout the tank, reducing dead spots and standing waves
    • Accurate process control of time, temperature, ultrasonic activity, degas and power
    • Modern, sleek design with stainless steel basket, ABS plastic lid, M2 ultrasonic cleaning solution, SD card and drain tap included as standard
    • Degassing function to remove small bubbles from liquid, reducing the overall time needed for ultrasonic operation
    • A choice of 4 sizes
    • Adjustable power that can be reduced from 100 to 50% in 5% increments


    • Healthcare/clinical – the first stage of the decontamination process for reusable surgical instruments in dental, podiatry and general practice settings
    • General use – glass, equipment, component cleaning, sonication of cytometer nozzles, dispersion and solubulisation
    • Laboratories – cleaning of components, degassing    fluids, mixing fluids and compounds, cell disruption, fluid dissolution
    • Industrial – light manufacturing
    • HPLC – degassing of solvents pre analyses
    • Biopharm – dissolution of samples






Dimensions (h x d x w) 266 x 235 x 345mm 365 x 330 x 342mm 365 x 385 x 375mm 365 x 385 x 546mm
Working capacity 4.5L 12.5L 17.5L 25L
Max capacity 5L 14L 18.5L 28L
Temperature range Ambient +5 to 70°C Ambient +5 to 70°C Ambient +5 to 70°C Ambient +5 to 70°C
Ultrasonic power 100W 200W 300W 400W
Ultrasonic power (per litre) 22.2W 16W 17W 16W
Operating frequency 32-38KHz 32-38KHz 32-38KHz 32-38KHz
Frequency LEAP
Digital LCD controls
SD port with SD card
Timer 0-99 minutes 0-99 minutes 0-99 minutes 0-99 minutes
Drain outlet BSP valve 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8”
Heater power – 230V 150W 300W 450W 650W
Heater power – 120V 125W 365W 480W 600W
Supply voltage 120 or 230V 120 or 230V 120 or 230V 120 or 230V
Weight 6.4kg 10.5kg 12.6kg 15.1kg
GRANT XUB-Serien Produktblad
Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog  


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