Multi 2TD Giardia, Cryptosporidium parvum
The tamaVet® Multi 2 TD (Giardia, Cryptosporidium parvum) Test is intended for the rapid detection of specific Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum antigens in faecal samples taken from dogs and cats. Giardiasis is a disease caused by the single-cell parasite Giardia lamblia (also known as duodenalis/intestinalis). Infection with pathogen cysts by oral absorption mainly takes place following environmental contamination with faeces and reinfection during grooming. The protozoan Cryptosporidium parvum belongs to the phylum Apicomplexa and forms infectious oocysts. The infection is normally transmitted orally. As with Giardia lamblia cysts, the uptake of cryptosporidia oocysts leads to the release of sporozoites that attack the intestinal enterocytes and
multiply in different stages, eventually releasing very
environmentally stable oocysts. As with giardiasis, this can lead not only to malabsorption and maldigestion, but also to abdominal pain, vomiting and fever. In immunosuppressed animals in particular, or in puppies and kittens, potentially fatal diarhhoea can occur. In the case of Giardia lamblia, the time from infection to the excretion of trophozoites and cysts is 4 to 15 days, and 2 to 14 days in the case of Cryptosporidium parvum. The test is suitable for the early detection of suspected Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum, or in the case of clinical symptoms. As excretion is intermittent,
examinations should be carried out over a period of
approximately 4 to 10 days and repeated as necessary