Reactif® Urine Analysis

Reactif® Urine Analysis


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Reactif® Urine Analysis

Urine undergoes many changes during states of disease or body dysfunction before blood composition is altered to a significant extent. Urinalysis is a useful procedure as an indicator of health or disease, and as such, is a part of routine health screening. The Urinalysis Reagent Strips (Urine) can be used in general evaluation of health, and aids in the diagnosis and monitoring of metabolic or systemic diseases that affect kidney function, endocrine disorders and diseases or disorders of the urinary tract.

Reactif® Urine Analysis The Reactif® Urine Analysis Strips are urine test strips that detect up to 11 different parameters. The reagent pads react with the urine and provide a visible color reaction. Results are obtained by direct comparison of the test strip with
the color blocks printed on the bottle label. The product is
packaged with a drying agent in a plastic bottle. The entire reagent strip is disposable when the disposal directions are followed exactly. Laboratory instrumentation is not required. These tests are intended for professional use with human urine.

Benefits at a glance:

✔ Fast and reliable results in only 1 minute

✔ No other devices necessary for result interpretation

✔ Cost effective diagnosis:
Price advantage to other branded products.

✔ Controls available

✔ Long shelf life: 18 months from manufacture 3 months from opening

Reactif® Urine Analysis

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Reactif® Urine Analysis
Nal-Von-minden Broschyr


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