NADAL® Strep B Test

NADAL® Strep B Test


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NADAL® Strep B Test

Rapid test for the detection of group B Streptococcus (GBS) antigens in specimens collected from vaginal or rectal swab, as well as swabs taken from the ear or throat in newborns.

Group B Streptococci (GBS), or Streptococcus agalactiae, are among the most frequent causes of life-threatening infections in neonates. Up to 30 % of all pregnant women are colonised with GBS. Some recent studies have shown that the intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis of colonised women significantly reduces the incidence of sepsis caused by GBS in newborns. In many countries, routine examination for GBS is frequently recommended between the 35th and the 37th week of pregnancy. A CDC study has shown that this screening approach is 50 % more effective than the use of antibiotics for pregnant women identified by a clinical risk approach. Standard culture methods require 24 to 48 hours, and the results may not be available soon enough for efficient treatment. For this reason, methods utilising more rapid screening techniques are required. The NADAL® Strep B Test is especially suitable if time and/or the availability of culture methods is limited. It enables the detection of GBS directly from swab samples, helping physicians make a presumptive diagnosis and decide whether treatment should be initiated.

The NADAL® Strep B Test is a rapid, visual immunoassay for the qualitative, presumptive detection of group B Streptococcus (GBS) antigens in specimens collected from vaginal or rectal swab, as well as swabs taken from the ear or throat in newborns. The test is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of the presence of GBS in sample material that may either be a sign of colonisation or infection. This test provides epidemiological information about infections caused by GBS and is well suited for diagnoses made in practices, hospitals and laboratories

Benefits at a glance:

✔ High sensitivity and specificity

✔ Can be carried out using swab samples taken from the vagina or rectum, as well as the ear or throat in newborns

✔ Quick and reliable test results in just 10 minutes

✔ Simple handling

✔ Clear test results

NADAL® Strep B Test

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NADAL® Strep B Test
Nal-Von-minden Broschyr


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