NADAL® Strep A plus Test

NADAL® Strep A plus Test


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NADAL® Strep A plus Test

Test cassette with star mould for the detection of group A streptococci

Beta-haemolytic group A streptococci (bacterial strain) are responsible for a range of different diseases. They are a
major cause of infections of the upper respiratory tract, such as acute pharyngitis (tonsillitis) and scarlet fever. Streptococcal infections with streptococcus pyogenes are especially common amongst children aged 5-15 years. Due to their non-specific clinical symptoms, a distinction must be made between streptococcal and viral infections using appropriate diagnostics. The early detection of streptococcal pharyngitis and the subsequent intervention is particularly important for children, as treatment can

• shorten the course of the disease

• ease the severity of symptoms

• reduce the likelihood of complications

• lower the chance of others being infected

The NADAL® Strep A plus Test is an immunological rapid test for the fast, qualitative detection of group A streptococcus antigens in throat swabs, suitable for general practices, hospitals and laboratories. With a short testing time of just 5 minutes, as well as simple and precise results, the NADAL® Strep A plus Test is an ideal aid in the diagnosis of streptococcal infections.
Benefits at a glance:

Benefits at a glance:

✔ High sensitivity and specificity

✔ Easy handling: results in 4 steps

✔ Reduction in use of unnecessary antibiotics

✔ Test storage at room temperature

✔ Minimum 12-month shelf life

NADAL® Strep A plus Test

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NADAL® Strep A plus Test
Nal-Von-minden Broschyr


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