NADAL® RSV Test (Respiratory Synctial Virus)

NADAL® RSV Test (Respiratory Synctial Virus)


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NADAL® RSV Test (Respiratory Synctial Virus)

Rapid test for the detection of respiratory synctial virus (RSV) antigens

RSV Infection

Respiratory synctial virus (RSV) is one of the main causes of respiratory illnesses in all age groups. In paediatrics, it is the most frequent cause of severe infections of the respiratory tract – especially in children under 4 years old. The infection can be serious and is responsible for high mortality rates amongst the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. The two most serious illnesses in children between 2 and 6 months old are pneumonia and bronchitis. In older children and adults, the illness tends to be less serious, generally self-limiting and indistinguishable from a common cold. The RS virus is very contagious. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as via direct and indirect contact with infectious secretions. RS virus can affect both the upper- and lower respiratory tract, with the most prominent illnesses being pneumonia and bronchiolitis. A diagnosis of bronchiolitis is made based on the presence of a cough, respiratory noise, shortness of breath (dyspnea), an accelerated breathing rate of up to 40 breaths per minute and bluish colouring of the skin around the mouth. Common symptoms of pneumonia include breathlessness and the presence of crackling sounds during ausculatory examination.


The NADAL® RSV Test is an immunochromatographic in-vitro
test for the quick and qualitative determination of respiratory synctial virus antigens (F protein) in samples taken from swabs (nasal, nasopharyngeal), nasopharyngeal rinse or culture supernatant. The rapid test is perfectly suited for diagnoses made in GP practices, hospitals and laboratories. With a short test time of just 15 minutes, as well as simple result interpretation, the NADAL® RSV Test is an ideal aid in the diagnosis of RSV infections in those with non-specific cold symptoms.

Your benefits at a glance:

✔ Easy to use

✔Fast and reliable test results in just 15 minutes

✔Early diagnosis for the best treatment possible

✔Test storage at room temperature

✔Minimum 12 month shelf life

NADAL® RSV Test (Respiratory Synctial Virus)

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NADAL® RSV Test (Respiratory Synctial Virus)
Nal-Von-minden Broschyr


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