NADAL® Influenza A/B rapid tests

NADAL® Influenza A/B rapid tests


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NADAL® Influenza A/B rapid tests

The real flu – also known as influenza – is a highly contagious upper respiratory tract infection caused by influenza viruses. Because influenza viruses are always changing, rapid tests are seasonally adapted to detect the strains that are currently most prevalent. There are two main types of influenza. Type A viruses are more widespread and can trigger major epidemics, while illness caused by type B viruses is usually less severe. People of all ages can get influenza, but in children, the elderly and people with chronic respiratory illness, influenza can lead to serious complications like bronchitis or pneumonia. As many other viral infections can cause flu-like symptoms, it is important to be able to differentiate quickly and accurately between flu and flu-like infections. The flu should be detected as early as possible, ideally within the first 2 days after symptoms appear, as the quality of sample material deteriorates over time. Testing performed on nasal swabs demonstrates higher sensitivity than testing on samples collected from the throat. Nevertheless, a throat swab can sometimes be the better option (e.g. in children) as
the process is significantly more pleasant for the patient. A rapid diagnosis can help mitigate the high risk of contagion through isolation of the patient and, where appropriate, prevent dangerous progression through early and targeted antiviral therapy.

Your benefits at a glance:

✔ High sensitivity and specificity

✔ Easy to use

✔ Available as test strips or test cassettes

✔ Fast and reliable test results in just 8-15 minutes

✔ Suitable for various sample types, including pharyngeal swabs

✔ Test storage at room temperature

✔ Minimum shelf life of 11 months

NADAL® Influenza A/B rapid tests

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NADAL® Influenza A/B rapid tests
Nal-Von-minden Broschyr


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