NADAL® FOB/Transferrin Test

NADAL® FOB/Transferrin Test


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NADAL® FOB/Transferrin Test

Rapid test for the qualitative detection and differentiation of human haemoglobin and transferrin in stool samples

Bowel cancer can develop in the colon as well as in the rectum. The third most common cancer, it affects both men and women equally, with those over 50 being at a much higher risk. For this reason, regular check ups and bowel cancer screenings are strongly recommended. Invisible blood – known as ‘occult blood’ – is an important primary indicator in the assessment of patients with suspected bowel cancer. Haemoglobin – as a component of blood – is an analyte examined in cases of potential bowel cancer. The simultaneous testing for transferrin, which transports iron in the blood, increases the test’s sensitivity, as it is more stable against acids and protein degradation in the digestive tract. For this reason – and in contrast to haemoglobin – transferrin is still detectable once released into the upper gastrointestinal tract.
The presence of blood in stool samples can also have other causes, including haemorrhoids, bowel polyps, peptic ulcer disease or gastric irritation. In the case of a positive result when screening for occult blood in stool samples, it is necessary to then carry out further tests.

The NADAL® FOB/Transferrin test is a chromatographic immunoassay in a lateral flow format. It is intended for use in the qualitative detection of human haemoglobin and transferrin and can be interpreted visually. The test is a useful aid in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal illnesses associated with gastrointestinal bleeding, and is intended for professional in-vitro diagnostic use. The combined detection of haemoglobin and transferrin in stool samples offers an alternative means of diagnosing illnesses throughout the digestive tract.

Your benefits at a glance:

✔ Two parameters in one test

✔ Early detection of illnesses throughout the gastrointestinal tract

✔ Sampling can take place at home

✔ No specialised diet required

✔ Storage at room temperature

✔Fast, reliable results in just 5 minutes

NADAL® FOB/Transferrin Test

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NADAL® FOB/Transferrin Test
Nal-Von-minden Broschyr


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