NADAL® CrP plus (C-reactive Protein)

NADAL® CrP plus (C-reactive Protein)


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NADAL® CrP plus (C-reactive Protein)

The capsule reactive protein (CrP) reacts to both infectious and non-infectious inflammations in such a way that is quicker and clearer than other parameters (e.g. fever, leucocyte
increase). The semi-quantitative detection of CrP as an
inflammatory parameter, can act as an aid in assessing an
inflammation. The CrP measurement is favoured (especially with children) over blood sedimentation reaction (BSR) as less blood sample is required, the test duration is shorter and a response to the therapy can be monitored quicker. A proven raised CrP value is an important indicator for acute or chronic inflammations, autoimmune or immune complex illnesses such as tissue necrosis or malignant tumors. Raised CrP concentrations are always a sign of illness and often precede clinical symptomatology. Clinical monitoring is always more thorough than a single determination, therefore multiple rapid test screenings should be carried out upon reasonable suspicion.

The NADAL® CrP-Test is an immunochromatographic (more competitive) rapid test for the semi-quantitative detection (<10 mg/l, 10-40 mg/l, 40-80 mg/l, >80mg/l) of C-reactive protein in whole blood, serum or plasma. The NADAL® CrPTest provides clear and easy results in just 5 minutes and is therefore the ideal aid for a reliable diagnosis required in
targeted therapy.

Summary of Benefits:

✔ High sensitivity and specificity

✔ Semi-quantitative results  <10 mg/l, 10-40 mg/l, 40-80 mg/l, >80mg/l

✔ Quick and reliable test results in 5 minute

Plus version with high-quality accessories

✔ Clear distinction between viral and bacterial infections, unlike BSR

✔ Can be carried out with full and capillary blood – both serum and plasma samples possible

✔ Minimum shelf life of 12 months

NADAL® CrP plus (C-reactive Protein)

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NADAL® CrP plus (C-reactive Protein)
Nal-Von-minden Broschyr


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