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Hepatitis B is a common yet serious infectious disease affecting the liver. It is caused by the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and affects millions of people throughout the world. About two thirds of all infections are asymptomatic, while one third of infected individuals shows classical symptoms as jaundice or nausea and vomiting. When the Hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg) is no longer detectable in the blood, and Anti-HBs antibodies (HBsAb) begin to emerge, the acute Hepatitis B infection can be considered to be cured. For this reason, HBs antibodies act as an indicator of clinical healing and subsequent immunity to HBV. They are also used in vaccinations against HBV, where HBsAg are injected so that the body consequently
raises HBsAb levels. If symptoms of an HBV-induced liver inflammation persist and HBsAg is detectable in the blood for an extended period of time, the HBV infection is no longer considered acute, but rather chronic and persistent. Individuals with a chronic HBV infection can transmit the disease via blood or contaminated body fluids for many years. The severe pathological
consequences of a persistent HBV infection include the development of chronic hepatic insufficiency, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Moreover, a HBV infection can also
be fatal.

The Info®Anti-HBs Rapid Test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies against the Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) in human whole blood, serum and plasma. Anti-HBs antibodies (HBsAb) can be present as a consequence of naturally occurring HBV
infections as well as after active vaccinations. With its short testing time of just 15 minutes and clear, easyto-read results, the Info®Anti-HBs Rapid Test is an excellent tool to monitor immunity to the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). As a consequence, it can be applied to verify the necessity of a vaccination or a booster vaccination.

Summary of Benefits:

✔ High sensitivity and specificity

✔ Easy handling

✔ Can be carried out with whole blood, serum and plasma

✔ Cost-effective diagnostic tool

✔ Quick and reliable test results in 15 minutes

✔ Test storage at room temperature or cooled (4 – 30°C)

✔ Minimum shelf life of 12 months


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Nal-Von-minden Broschyr


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