Rapid tests for the detection of drug and alcohol consumption

Rapid tests for the detection of drug and alcohol consumption


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Rapid tests for the detection of drug and alcohol consumption

Your partner for professional diagnostics

We help you care! For over 35 years, nal von minden GmbH has been a leader when it comes to medical diagnostics and drug analytics, setting standards in the field by delivering certified products of outstanding quality, an extensive portfolio and
excellent customer service and ideas. It is our aim to remain the most innovative company in this field, and your point of call on the subject of in-vitro diagnostics. In order to ensure this, we place great emphasis on research, development and steady growth. We currently have five different office locations throughout Europe, as well as several subsidiaries and an extensive network of account managers and field consultants. This enables us to provide you with personal service and individual solutions — wherever you are in the world.

We operate with a sense of responsibility not only because it is our duty, but because it is within our principles. As a manufacturer of
rapid tests for medical and drug analytics, we are keenly aware of the impact our products can have. For this reason, their quality and our service are not only of utmost priority to us, but are also matters close to our heart. Since 2003, our quality management system has been certified
according to both EN ISO 13485 and ISO 9001, and is audited yearly by TÜV Rheinland. Internal audits, a comprehensive process landscape and corrective and preventative action systems also serve to ensure that our high standards are maintained. We help you care! – with outstanding product quality, an excellent price-performance ratio, personal consultants and fast service. We look forward to working with you!

Rapid tests for the detection of drug and alcohol consumption

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Rapid tests for the detection of drug and alcohol consumption


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