Drug-Screen® Zopiclone rapid test

Drug-Screen® Zopiclone rapid test


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Drug-Screen® Zopiclone rapid test

For the detection of zopiclone in urine · Cut-off: 50 ng/mL

Zopiclone: Short-term relief, long-term suffering Z-drugs – namely zopiclone, zolpidem and zaleplon – were originally considered to be a good alternative to benzodiazepines. But why? Z-drugs can be administered quickly and easily in the face of almost any psychiatric illness, and were thought to carry a supposedly lower risk for dependency. Today we know that the addiction potential of Z-drugs is actually comparable with that of benzodiazepines. For this reason, these forms of medication may only be prescribed for insomnia on a short-term basis. Nevertheless, Z-drugs – and most commonly zopiclone – continue to be prescribed in place of benzodiazepines.
Differentiated detection of Z-drugs Until now, detecting the misuse of Z-drugs was difficult. Though the spectrum of activity is similar to that of benzodiazepines, the chemical structure differs greatly, meaning that they will not be detected by benzodiazepine screening tests. However, nal von minden now offers urine rapid tests for the specific detection of all Z-drugs – including zopiclone.

Your benefits at a glance:

✔ Detection time: 2-3 days

✔ Fast and reliable results in just 5-8 minutes

✔ Detection of main metabolite as well as unchanged

✔ Qualitative test

✔ Easy to use

✔ Minimum 12 month shelf life

✔ Integratable into multi-test combinations

✔ In accordance with DIN EN ISO 15189 for medical laboratories, our rapid tests are available barcoded for device-based evaluation


Drug-Screen® Zopiclone rapid test

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Drug-Screen® Zopiclone rapid test


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