Drug-Screen® Spice/K2 rapid test

Drug-Screen® Spice/K2 rapid test


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Drug-Screen® Spice/K2 rapid test

Rapid test for urinalysis · Cut-off : 50 ng/mL

A plethora of diff erent syntheti c cannabinoids – marketed under various brand names, such as ‘Spice’ and ‘K2’ – initi ally entered circulati on as legal alternati ves to natural cannabis products but have a considerable potenti al for harm. This is indicated by the most recent data from Turkey, where a general increase in drug-related deaths appears to be att ributable in part to the consumpti on of syntheti c cannabinoids. This is also parti cularly widespread among homeless people in England. The esti mated prevalence is worrying at 95%. The homeless pass the ti me by deliberately smoking themselves unconscious and thus ‘skipping’ whole days. Syntheti c cannabinoids also loom large in Germany, parti cularly in penal insti tuti ons. Sprayed onto dried plant material, syntheti c cannabinoids are marketed as herbal blends, primarily over the internet. However, newer substances are also available as liquids and can be used in e-cigarett es or shisha. In additi on to the alleged legality and easy availability of these substances, consumpti on is diffi cult to detect, another reason for the rapid spread of syntheti c cannabinoids. JWH-018, also known as ‘Spice’ or ‘K2’, originated from basic research into the cannabinoid system but has been banned for well over a decade in most of the world.

The nal von minden Drug-Screen® Spice rapid test is a competi ti ve immunoassay for the qualitati ve detecti on of JWH-018 and JWH-073 in human urine and can be used as an aid in the initi ati on or monitoring of therapeuti c measures. As an in-vitro diagnosti c tool for professional use, the test delivers a visual, preliminary analyti c result.

Your benefi ts at a glance

✔ Detecti on ti me: 1-3 days

✔ Easy to use

✔ Fast and reliable test results in just 5-8 minutes

✔ Minimum shelf life of 11 months

✔ In accordance with DIN EN ISO 15189 for medical laboratories, our rapid tests are also available barcoded for use in reader-based evaluati on

✔ Can also be integrated into multi -test combinati ons

Drug-Screen® Spice/K2 rapid test

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Drug-Screen® Spice/K2 rapid test


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