Drug-Screen® Pregabalin Rapid Test

Drug-Screen® Pregabalin Rapid Test


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Drug-Screen® Pregabalin Rapid Test

Rapid test for urinalysis · Cut-off: 500 ng/mL

PPregabalin – brand name Lyrica® – is an anticonvulsant
approved for use in the treatment of epileptic seizures, neuropathic pain and generalised anxiety disorders. Its calming
and relaxing effects make it attractive not only to patients
whose symptoms it alleviates, but also to individuals with a history of risky substance use, who are particularly susceptible to pregabalin misuse. Pregabalin targets and regulates overactive nerves and inhibits the transmission of electrical signals from, for example,
damaged nerves. This reduces sensitivity to pain. The driving force behind pregabalin misuse is not only its calming and euphoric effects, but also the fact that it enhances the CNS depressant action of other substances. This applies, for example, to sedatives and sleeping pills like benzodiazepines, opiates and opioids. As a result,
dependence on pregabalin alone is rare. In addition to the potential for damaging side effects, the probability of
developing a psychological dependence is high. Pregabalin should certainly not be underestimated. Prescriptions for pregabalin are increasing dramatically – as is the misuse of the drug. That is why the nal von minden
Drug-Screen® Pregabalin Rapid Test is an important addition to our range of drug rapid tests.
The nal von minden Drug-Screen® Pregabalin (PGB) Rapid Test is a competitive immunoassay for the qualitative detection of pregabalin in human urine, with a cut-off of 500 ng/mL. It can be used as an aid in the initiation or monitoring of therapeutic measures. As an in-vitro diagnostic tool for professional use, the test delivers a visual, preliminary analytic result.

Your benefi ts at a glance

✔ Detection time: 1-3 days

✔ Easy to use

✔ Fast and reliable test results in just 5-8 minutes

✔ Minimum shelf life of 11 months

✔ Can also be integrated into multi-test combinations

✔ In accordance with DIN EN ISO 15189 for medical laboratories, our cassette test is also available barcoded for use in reader-based evaluation

Drug-Screen® Pregabalin Rapid Test

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Drug-Screen® Pregabalin Rapid Test


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