Drug-Screen® Cup II (Key Cup)

Drug-Screen® Cup II (Key Cup)


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Drug-Screen® Cup II (Key Cup)

Simple, reliable and always one step ahead
The cup test for any situation Drug screening has never been so easy or flexible as with our Cup II tests. The cup boasts two separate chambers, meaning sampling and testing need not be carried out at the same place or time. The use of a turn key allows you to start the test at a time and place that suits you. Furthermore, thanks to a new version of the test equipped with two test cartridges, up to 20 parameters can now be tested simultaneously. It is also hygienic and secure, allowing for safe transportation to a
laboratory for confirmation analysis.
Digital evaluation With our Rapid Slide Scanner (RSS) system, also available as a mobile version, you can evaluate almost any nal von minden rapid test – including the Cup II. Clearly structured software offers not only clear, automated analyses, but also personalised result documentation. Thanks to automatic test recognition, the test can be read regardless of its position or form. Our new, mobile RSS flash device enables effortless result interpretation anytime, anywhere and regardless of lighting conditions

Your benefits at a glance:

✔ High specificity and sensitivity

✔ Easy to use

✔ Separate sample and test chambers

✔ Turn-key guarantees flexibility, enabling sample collection and testing to be carried out at different times and locations

✔ Suitable for evaluation using the RSS II, III and flash (connection to LIMS possible)

✔ Two-sided version available, enabling almost any parameter combination

Drug-Screen® Cup II (Key Cup)

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Drug-Screen® Cup II (Key Cup)


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