Temperaturlogger LT102 Alarm thermometer incl. calibration certificate at 5°C

Temperaturlogger LT102 Alarm thermometer incl. calibration certificate at 5°C

Artikelnr: ÖV-5020-0573Z Kategori:

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Temperaturlogger LT102 Alarm thermometer incl. calibration certificate at 5°C

erfectly designed for monit­oring refri­ger­ators of labor­at­ories. With the immer­sion probe the instru­ment is specially designed to check the temper­ature of liquid or semisolid material. The Hi-Lo-Alarm is the ideal func­tion for detecting temper­ature prob­lems during storage.


Product features

  • water-tight
  • big display
  • including immersion probe with 3000 mm cable
  • including pocket clip and table rack
  • integrated sensor holder + magnet
  • C/F-switchable
  • Hi-Lo-Alarm


Technical data

Sensor NTC
Meas­uring range -40°C…+70°C
Resol­u­tion 0,1°C
Accuracy ±0,5°C(-20°C…+25°C), remaining ±1°C
Dimen­sions 86 x 57 x 30 mm (LxWxH)
Tube 30 x 5 mm (LxD)
Weight 100 g


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