GRANT ES-80 – Termoskakinkubator

Termoskakinkubator, 50-250 rpm

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GRANT ES-80 – Termoskakinkubator

Stable and reliable orbital shaker-incubator for vigorous or even mixing and incubation of samples in a variety of flasks and vessels.

  • Digital control of time, temperature and shaking speed for accuracy and repeatability
  • Variable speed: 50 to 250 rpm
  • Temperature range: 25 to 80°C
  • Load up to 8 kg
  • Interchangeable platforms for shaking/incubating different vessels
  • Temperature control by microprocessor plus forced heated air circulation ensure a constant and even temperature within the chamber
  • Robust, compact construction with stainless steel inside chamber
  • Equipped with direct drive shaking system for reliable, long-term operation
  • Simple to programme time, – 1 minute to 96 hours or non-stop
  • State-of the art motor, thermal insulation materials and temperature PID-control decreses the energy consumption


Life sciences — suitable for growing cell cultures in flasks, extracting tissue samples at physiological, temperatures, and sample preparation processes, mixing of biological liquids as well as the incubation and cultivation of biological liquids, growing e-coli, bioluminescence preparation.

ES-80 – Platform

Part No Description
PP-400 Flat platform with non-slip rubber mat Dimensions: 360 x 400mm
P30-100 Platform with clamps for 30 x 100-150ml flasks
P16-250 Platform with clamps for 16 x 250-300ml flasks
P9-500 Platform with clamps for 9 x 500ml flasks
P6-1000 Platform with clamps for 6 x 1000ml flasks


GRANT ES-80 – Thermoshaker and incubator


Dimensions (h x d x w) 510 x 525 x 590mm
Temperature range +25 to 80°C
Temperature control range 0.1°C
Stability 0.5°C
Temperature accuracy
Mixing speed control range
Load capacity 8kg
Display 2 line, 16 character LCD
Orbit diameter 20mm
Internal working dimensions (with installed platform) (d x w x h) 450 x 390 x 300mm
Timer 1 minute to 96 hours
Power consumption – 230V 450W (2A)
Power consumption – 120V
Nominal operating voltage 230 (50-60Hz)
GRANT Skakinkubatorer – Produktblad
Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog  


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