Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F-serien – termomixrar

Termomixer, Hastighet 300-2.000 rpm

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Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F-serien – termomixrar

Doing quite routine sample prep steps? Wether you regularly work with 0.5/1.5/2.0 mL vessels or plates (MTP and DWP) – our customized fixed-block Eppendorf ThermoMixer F family offers you a good solution for your special application. Just simplify your routine work load.

Facing irregular mixing results?

Reliable sample mixing is far beyond simple mixing, especially when talking about microliter volumes. After decades of offering mixing devices, we found a way to expand reliable mixing performance to the microliter scale:

Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F


The 2DMix–Control technology mixes liquids in a controlled, circular movement. Orbital circular paths with a diameter of 3 mm and up to 3,000 rpm: Generates excellent mixing performance, even for challenging samples.The ThermoMixer C provides enough mixing power to handle also challenging mixing tasks. Most samples are efficiently mixed within less than a minute independent of vessel geometry or sample properties.

Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F

Tired of condensation in your tubes?

We combined the Eppendorf ThermoMixer with the PCR cycler approach of a heated lid and generated the Eppendorf ThermoTop®. The outstanding Eppendorf condens.protect technology reliably prevents condensation within the tube lid – sample concentrations are consistent for the incubation time.
In addition, the temperature homogeneity is further improved. Get optimal sample reaction conditions to produce optimal results.

› Efficient and reliable condensation prevention on tube lids for safe sample heating
› Get constant reaction conditions for optimal enzymatic performance within your sample
› Wireless connection with automatic recognition and operation for user-friendly handling

Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F

Missing a second temperature for an incubation at 37 °C or 95 °C at your Eppendorf ThermoMixer?

The Eppendorf SmartExtender offers a comfortable incubation tool which can easily be used as an add-on to your existing Eppendorf SmartBlocks and the Eppendorf ThermoMixer C/Fx as well as Eppendorf ThermoStat C. Up to 12 vessels (1.5 mL) can be heated up for a higher throughput and higher flexibility in your lab. The independent heating function for the second temperature enables a parallel usage of an Eppendorf SmartBlock and the SmartExtender. The Eppendorf SmartBlock at the center can still be used for heating and mixing.

Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F

Struggling with paper-based documentation?

The eLABJournal Electronic Lab Notebook offers an intuitive and flexible solution to document research and track research data like workflow processes where the Eppendorf ThermoMixer is involved. Improve efficiency when documenting, organizing, searching, and archiving collected data. With the free eLABJournal add-ons, you can extend the functionality of eLABJournal to a fully integrated Laboratory Information Management System.

Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F-series – thermomixers

Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F1.5 Eppendorf ThermoMixer® FP Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F0.5 Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F2.0
Max. speed 1,500 rpm 2,000 rpm 2,000 rpm 1,500 rpm
Mixing and vortexing radius 1.5 mm 1.5 mm 1.5 mm 1.5 mm
Mixing frequency 300 – 1,500 rpm 300 – 2,000 rpm 300 – 2,000 rpm 300 – 1,500 rpm
Mixing orbit 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm
Temperature accuracy Max. ±0.5 °C at 20 – 45 °C Max. ±0.5 °C at 20 – 45 °C Max. ±0.5 °C at 20 – 45 °C Max. ±0.5 °C at 20 – 45 °C
Temperature settings 1 °C / 100 °C 1 °C / 100 °C 1 °C / 100 °C 1 °C / 100 °C
Max. speed 1,500 rpm 2,000 rpm 2,000 rpm 1,500 rpm
Interfaces USB interface USB interface USB interface USB interface
Power supply 220 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz 220 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz 200 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz 220 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz
Max. power consumption 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W
Dimensions (W × D × H) 20.6 × 30.4 × 17.0 cm / 8.1 × 11.9 × 6.7 in 20.6 × 30.4 × 16.4 cm / 8.1 × 11.9 × 6.4 in 20.6 × 30.4 × 16.3 cm / 8.1 × 1.9 × 6.4 in 20.6 × 30.4 × 17.0 cm / 8.1 × 11.9 × 6.7 in
Weight w/o accessories 6.3 kg / 13.9 lb 6.1 kg / 13.4 lb 6.2 kg / 13.6 lb 6.3 kg / 13.9 lb
Temperature range Min: 4 °C above RT, max: 100 °C Min: 4 °C above RT, max: 100 °C Min: 4 °C above RT, max: 100 °C Min: 4 °C above RT, max: 100 °C
Eppendorf ThermoMixer®
Heating rate Max. 11 °C/min Max. 18 °C/min Max. 15 °C/min Max. 13 °C/min
Brochure – The Value of Mixing
Brochure – Tradition Continued
Eppendorf produktkatalog


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