Eppendorf SmartBlock™

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Eppendorf SmartBlock™

Using different vessel sizes within your lab workflow?
Flexibility has never been this easy. Eppendorf offers a broad range of Eppendorf SmartBlocks for tubes from 0.2 mL to 50 mL as well as plates (MTP, DWP, and PCR plates 96 / 384) to use with Eppendorf ThermoMixer® C and ThermoStat C. All Eppendorf SmartBlocks are equipped with the outstanding Eppendorf QuickRelease™ system that makes the block exchange super fast and easy.
No tool available?
The Eppendorf SmartBlocks can easily be exchanged. Just press the lever on the front of the block, and the block can be removed – no tools are needed, done in seconds.Eppendorf SmartBlock™

Eppendorf SmartBlock™


SmartBlock PCR 96 SmartBlock PCR 384 SmartBlock 5.0 mL SmartBlock DWP 1,000 SmartBlock DWP 500 SmartBlock 1.5 mL SmartBlock 0.5 mL SmartBlock 2.0 mL SmartBlock plates SmartBlock 12 mm SmartBlock 50 mL SmartBlock 15 mL SmartBlock cryo
Sample capacity 1 PCR plate 96 1 PCR plate 384 8 × 5 mL Eppendorf Deepwell Plates 96/1,000 µL Eppendorf Deepwell Plates 96/500 µL 24 × micro test tubes (1.5 mL) 24 × micro test tubes (0.5 mL) 24 × micro test tubes (2.0 mL) 1 × micro test plate / 1 × deepwell plate 24 × micro test tubes, diameter 12 mm 4 × 50 mL conical tubes 8 × 15 mL conical tubes 24 × cryo tubes (1.5/2.0 mL)
ThermoTop yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
SmartExtender yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
ThermoMixer C / ThermoStat C yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Max. temp. 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C 110 °C3 100 °C 100 °C 110 °C3
Lid2 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Max. speed 2,000 rpm 3,000 rpm 1,000 rpm 1,500 rpm 1,500 rpm 2,000 rpm 2,000 rpm 2,000 rpm 3,000 rpm1 2,000 rpm 1,000 rpm 1,000 rpm 2,000 rpm
1max. mixing frequency using DWP is 2,000 rpm (80°C and higher: limited to 1,000 rpm)
2Maximum mixing frequency is 2,000 rpm when lid is used
3Only available with ThermoStat C
 Brochure – The Value of Mixing
Eppendorf produktkatalog


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