MTV-1 – Vortexer

MTV-1 – Thermo Shaker Incubator

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Artikelnr: AS-02070-00 Kategori:

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MTV-1 – Vortexer

1. Touch activated vortex mixer
2. Stable compact design
3. 2,500rpm fixed vortexing speed
4. Powerful vortexing for tubes up to 15ml
5. MTV-1 is with a power adapter and a battery case
6. Choice of different colored housing
The Mini vortex is the ideal vortex mixer for every lab with its compact size, ease of use, and its economic price point. The 2,500rpm fixed speed ensures there is no sacrificing any mixing power. It requires little working space and is easy-to-use.
The Mini vortex is the ideal vortex mixer for every lab with its compact size, ease of use, and its economic price point. The 2,500rpm
fixed speed ensures there is no sacrificing any mixing power. It requires little working space and is easy-to-use.
Code           Description
AS-02080-00    AS-02080-00 MTV-1 Mini-Vortexer Minxing-Orbit: 3mm DC6V, 0.6W

MTV-1 – Thermo Shaker Incubator

Model  MTV-1
 Working style  Continous/Short-Spin
 Shaking mo vement  Orbital, 3mm
 Speed Range  800~2500rpm
 Dimensions(mm)  74 x 91 x 84
 Voltage  DC6V, (4pcs 1.5V double A battery )
 Weight  0.35Kg



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