Microplate Shaker, CPS-350

JeioTech Skak CPS-350


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Microplate Shaker, CPS-350

Fitted with 4 microplates and wider speed range to accommodate various sample testing.


  • Optimally designed to shake four microplates simultaneously.
    – Ideal for applications that demand precise and repeatable mixing.
  • Microprocessor PID control.
  • Wide speed range from150 to1,200 rpm
  • Orbital shaking motion in 3mm diameter.
  • Smooth start feature to avoid sample contamination.
  • Equipped with a maintenance-free BLDC motor to generate smooth, quiet, uniform, and yet powerful shaking motion.


  • Vivid and colorful vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) with touch–sensitive keypad.
  • One-touch timer for time-dependent shaking operation. (1 min. to 99 hr. 59 min.)
  • Compact and lightweight design allow for use in cold rooms or incubators.
  • Variety of accessories are available to meet application demands.
    – Optional tube racks also available for 1.5ml micro-tubes, 15ml conical tubes, and 50ml conical tubes.


  • Self-diagnostic function identifying errors.
  • Its polypropylene main body is highly chemical-resistant and easy-to-clean.
  • Over-current protection.
Model CPS-350
Control system PID feedback control
Display VFD
Shaking system Motion type Orbital
Speed range(rpm) 150 to 1,200
Accuracy at 500 rpm ±15
Timer 1min. to 99hr. 59min.
Orbit size(mm / inch, dia) 3 / 0.12
Max. load(kg / Ibs) 4 / 8.8
Dimension Tray(W×D) (mm /inch) 269×185 / 10.6×7.3
Body1) (W×D×H) (mm /inch) 269×325×128 / 10.6×12.8×5.0
Net weight(kg / lbs) 7.7 / 17
Electrical requirements AC 100 ~ 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Cat. No. KR Plug AAH3C1115K
US Plug AAH3C1115U

※ Permissible environmental conditions: temperature (5-40°C) and relative humidity (up to 80%).
1) Main body dimension without accessories.

Produktblad – Skakar JeioTech CPS-350
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