GRANT MSV-3500 – Vortex mixer

Vortex mixer, frekvens: 300-1.500 RPM

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GRANT MSV-3500 – Vortex mixer

The Grant bio MSV-3500 is a versatile multi speed vortex mixer designed for soft or intensive mixing of reagents in different size and type plastic tubes (0.2 to 50ml).

  • Adjustable speed control: 300 to 3500rpm
  • 4mm orbit
  • Set and actual values of time and speed displayed
  • Acceleration time to max speed: 15 seconds
  • Speed and time under microprocessor control
  • LCD display indicates two lines of values: the set and actual values of speed and time

The MSV-3500 has four interchangeable platforms available:

SV-4/30 for 4 x 50ml (30mm) tubes

SV-10/10 for 10 x 10ml (12mm) tubes

SV-16/8 with 16/8/8 sockets for 1.5/0.5/0.2ml micro tubes

SV-8/15 for 8 x 15ml (16mm) tubes

Platforms are sold separately or available as part of a kit (MSV-3500 4P).


Designed for operation in lifescience laboratories working in the fields of biochemistry, cello and molecular biology.

Intensive stirring of bacterial and yeast cells, extraction of metabolites and enzymes from cells and cell cultures, and various DNA operations such as deproteinisation of DNA/protein complexes and purification of low molecular weight DNA/RNA fragments in PCR diagnostics.

GRANT MSV-3500 – Vortex mixer


Dimensions (h x d x w) 145 x 170 x 180cm
Ambient temperature range + 4 to 40ºC
Orbit ø 4mm
Speed (max speed depends on load) 300 to 3500rpm
Acceleration time to max speed 15 seconds
Timer 0–60 min / non-stop (increment 1 min)
Capacity 0.2 up to 50ml
Maximum tube diameter 30mm
External power supply Input AC 120-230V, 50/60Hz Output DC 12V
Power consumption 12W (1A)
Input voltage 12V dc
Weight 2.6kg
GRANT  MSV-3500 – Produktblad
Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog



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