Eppendorf MixMate® – mixer

Mixer, Hastighet upp till 3.000 rpm

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Eppendorf MixMate® – mixer

Straight mixing required? Mix your samples in seconds, fully and reliably. Whether in plates (96 or 384-wells) or reaction tubes, your samples will be optimally processed. With the integrated ergonomic vortex function, the MixMate is your perfect lab assistant. The innovative additional 2 second run timer allows vortexing your next sample without restarting.

Facing irregular mixing results?

Reliable sample mixing is far beyond simple mixing, especially when talking about microliter volumes. After decades of offering mixing devices, we found a way to expand reliable mixing performance to the microliter scale:



The 2DMix–Control technology mixes liquids in a controlled, circular movement. Orbital circular paths with a diameter of 3 mm and up to 3,000 rpm: Generates excellent mixing performance, even for challenging samples. The MixMate provides enough mixing power to handle also challenging mixing tasks. Most samples are efficiently mixed within less than a minute independent of vessel geometry or sample properties.


Need for small-volume mixing?

Timelapse photography of controlled mixing with MixMate. The oustanding 2DMix‐Control technology mixes liquids in a very controlled, circular movement. The lack of chaotic splashing enables mixing without lid wetting or cross contamination.


Different samples at hand?

The MixMate provides enough mixing power to handle the most challenging mixing tasks. Most samples are efficiently mixed within less than a minute independent of vessel geometry or sample properties. For more information see AppNote 130.


Using different vessel formats?

The MixMate can be equipped with different tube holders to be flexible regarding common vessel and plate formats.
The tubeholders can be fast and easy exchanged due to snap function.


Struggling with paper-based documentation?

The eLABJournal Electronic Lab Notebook offers an intuitive and flexible solution to document research and track research data like workflow processes where the MixMate is involved. Improve efficiency when documenting, organizing, searching, and archiving collected data. With the free eLABJournal add-ons, you can extend the functionality of eLABJournal to a fully integrated Laboratory Information Management System.

Eppendorf MixMate® – mixer

Max. speed 3,000 rpm
Mixing and vortexing radius 1.5 mm
Mixing frequency 300 – 3,000 rpm
Mixing orbit 3 mm
Touch vortex frequency 3,500 rpm
Sample capacity max. 96 × 0.2 mL, 24 × 0.5 mL, 24 × 1.5 mL, 24 × 2.0 mL, 8 × 5/15 mL, 4 × 25/50 mL, 1 × DWP/MTP or 1 × PCR plate
Max. speed 3,000 rpm
Timer 15 s – 99.3 h, continuous
Noise level <50 dB(A)
Power supply 230 V, 50 – 60 Hz
Max. power consumption 40 W
Dimensions (W × D × H) 17.0 × 23.0 × 13.0 cm / 6.7 × 9.0 × 5.1 in
Weight w/o accessories 4.2 kg / 9.2 lb
Temperature range N/A
Brochure – The Value of Mixing
Flyer – Facing Irregular Mixing Results?
Eppendorf produktkatalog


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