CAT RM 10 – Multi-Axle-Rotating-Mixer

Multi-Axle-Rotating-Mixer, Rullnings-och rotationsrörelser, frekvens: 2-70 RPM

Artikelnr: CT-60207-30 Kategori:

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CAT RM 10 – Multi-Axle-Rotating-Mixer


  • Roller mixer with 10 rollers. The synchronized rotating PVC rollers provide a uniform swaying surface, perfectly suited for simultaneous gentle and homogeneous mixing of cylindrical vessels with e.g. blood or other cell suspension. Each roll can be removed individually to provide the use of bigger cylindrical tubes or bottles (up to 5l). The speed is continuously adjustable.
    • Removable rollers
    • Wide speed range
    • Low voltage power supply

CAT RM 10 – Multi-Axle-Rotating-Mixer

Name Value
Speed range [1/min] 4-30 oder 10-70
Length of rolls [mm] 330
Number of rolls 10
Removable rolls Yes
Centric rolls option optional
Material of rolls PVC
Tilt angle [°] 3
Load, max. [kg] 5
Diameter of test tubes min. [mm] 10
Diameter of test tubes max. [mm] 300
Power supply [V] 24 VDC
Weight [kg] 6.5
Width [mm] 360
Height [mm] 110
Depth [mm] 480
Protection class according to DIN EN 60529 IP32
Overheat protection Yes
Overload protection Yes
Motor type BLDC
Rotation CCW
Operation mode Long-term duty
Certification CE
CAT – Produktöversikt



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