Capp – CAPPRondo Orbitell skak för mikroplattor CRP-412X

microplate shaker

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Capp – CAPPRondo Orbitell skak för mikroplattor CRP-412X

CAPPRondo orbital microplate shaker enables thorough, simultaneous mixing in up to 4 individual microplates of various types. This microplate mixer is compatible with the majority of commonly used skirted microplates. Thanks to the 3mm orbital motion movement, CAPP microplate mixer ensures ultimate mixing performance. Equipped with the brushless DC motor, CAPP microplate mixer is maintenance free and ideal for extended runs.

CAPPRondo microplate mixer operates with variable speed, ranging from 200 to 1200 RPM. Small and compact design requires minimum benchtop space and the digital display gives the user an overview of the speed and time settings. CAPPRondo orbital microplate shaker can be programmed for mixing in time interval from 1 to 999 minutes or without any time limits – in an infinite mode.

Equipped with rubber O-rings, CAPP orbital microplate shaker provides the ultimate grip for all 4 plates.
Loading, unloading and accessing individual plates are done effortlessly.

The pulse mode of CAPPRondo microplate mixer enables continuous mixing in clockwise and counterclockwise directions.
The mixing direction changes in a time interval from 30 to 90 seconds. CAPP microplate mixer has the last run memory feature, which gives the user the comfort of continuing their work in the same mode as previously. CAPPRondo orbital microplate shaker enables easy cleaning and maintenance.

See below the features of CAPPRondo orbital microplate mixer

Specifications: Description:
Motor Type BLDC Motor
Orbital Motion 3 mm
Number of Plates Up to 4
Variable Speed from 200 to 1200 rpm
Run Time 1 to 999 minutes & infinite mode
Pulse Mode Yes, programmable (30 to 90 secs)
Weight 5.4 kg
Maximum Volume 4 x 384 x 60µl
Inbuilt Counterbalance Yes
Dimensions (LxWxH) 88 x 343 x 195 mm
Digital Display Yes
Input Voltage 24 V
Attachments Acc. all standard skirted microplates



Cat. No. Description
CRP-412X CAPPRondo 4-Place Microplate Mixer 1200rpm
Capp – CAPPRondo orbital microplate shaker – Produktblad
Capp  – Produktkatalog



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