Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinet Bio II Advance Plus – Mikrobiologiskt Säkerhetskabinett Klass II

Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinet Bio II Advance Plus

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Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinet Bio II Advance Plus – Mikrobiologiskt Säkerhetskabinett Klass II

The Telstar Bio II Advance Plus series is a new generation of biological safety cabinets class II, providing a compact design for easy installation within the laboratory, without losing valuable working space. It has also been designed with high standards of safety, ergonomics, energy efficiency, reliability and ease of use in its class. The Bio II Advance Plus series is backed by Telstar’s world reputation and commitment to provide the market’s most secure safety cabinets for biological products.

Tested and certified by TUV Nord in Hamburg to meet the European Standard for Microbiological Safety Cabinets EN12469, Bio II Advance Plus guarantees the maximum level of safety for the product, the personnel and the environment.

The introduction of led lighting and EC fans makes Bio II Advance Plus one of the best energy efficient and low noise level cabinets available on the market.


Technical Specifications

TUV/GS Certificate for Bio II Advance 4

as per EN 12469

TUV/GS Certificate for Bio II Advance 6

as per EN 12469

Produktblad – Bio II Advance Plus Mikrobiologiskt Säkerhetskabinett Klass II



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