Pol-Eko – Ductless Fume Hood Compact Line DCL-1500 Ductless

Ductless Fume Hood Compact Line DCL-1500 Ductless

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Ductless Fume Hood Compact Line DCL-1500 Ductless

Standard equipment for ductless Fume Hood Compact Line DCL-1500 Ductless
  • Polypropylene structure with high chemical resistance
  • Built-in sealed polypropylene worktop or choice of epoxy,stainless steel, ceramic, Trespa
  • 7” touch screen with airflow display and alarm
  • Tempered glass side windows and sliding front sash with counterweight
  • Eco-frendly, cost-effective 800 LUX LED lighting
  • Air velocity – 0.5 ± 0.1m/s, 100±20 FPM
  • Back access for filter replacement
  • Variety of HEPA & carbon filters
  • EC fan with speed adjustment with 10 speeds
  • 250mm thimble connection to the external


Compact Line DCL Ductless Fume Hoods:

  • Space-Saving Design: A cost-effective benchtop model that fits perfectly in any lab.
  • Durable Construction: Made from high chemical-resistant polypropylene with a built-in sealed worktop.
  • Smart Controls: Features a 7” touchscreen with airflow display and alarm, ensuring safe operations.
  • Eco-Friendly Lighting: Equipped with 800 LUX LED lighting for energy efficiency.
  • Versatile Filters: Supports a variety of HEPA and carbon filters to handle different chemical fumes.
  • Enhanced Safety: Includes tempered glass side windows and a sliding front sash with a counterweight for easy access.



Available in various sizes to fit different workspace requirements:

  • Standard Models: DCL-1500, DCL-1800
  • PRO Models: DCL-600 PRO, DCL-900 PRO, DCL-1200 PRO, DCL-1500 PRO, DCL-1800 PRO

Customization and Optional Accessories for Compact Line DCL Ductless Fume Hoods

  • Adjustable stands with wheels
  • UV lights
  • Gas and water taps
  • Polypropylene sinks and base cabinets
  • Additional power outlets
  • Worktops: epoxy, stainless steel, ceramic, Trespa, and more.




Order number: ST-DCL-D-XXXX

metal stand (with adjustable wheels)

overall dims [mm]
width A 1500
height B 1050
depth C 630
working space dims (mm)
width D 1480
height E 550
depth F 450
voltage 110 / 220VAC, 50/60 Hz
air velocity 0,5 +/- 0,1 m/s, 100 +/- 20 FPM
noise Level (Tested 20 cm from the worktable, 1.2m above ground) <60dB
Filter Carbon filters for solvents, acids, bases, formaldehyde, multi-gas (a blend of materials) /HEPA/ULPA
construction material Welded white polypropylene structure, with built-in sealed PP worktop
certificates CE
illumination installed outside the working chamber 800 LUX, Eco-friendly LED lighting
monitoring set 7″ full touch screen with Airflow alarm, 10-speed Fan control, filter timer, service timer, lights control
raising the window max 500 mm
warranty 24 months
manufacturer POL-EKO®
Ductless Fume Hood Compact Line DCL-1500 Ductless
Pol-Eko komplett produktkatalog



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