CAT DP 200 / 20, labbpump

CAT DP 200 / 20, labbpump

Artikelnr: CT-6176x-0000 Kategori:

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CAT DP 200, labbpump


  • Valveless, high precision micro dosing pump with digital flow-rate control. It is covered by an acid-proof housing with a keypad which allows to set all dosing parameters easily (e.g. volume, flowrate or flow direction).

    ISO9001 and the GLP guidelines require regular checking and recalibration of measuring instruments. In order to simplify this, the DP200 has an integrated calibration function.

    • No glass piston, no valves, minimal dead volume
    • Minimal dispensing volume: 1 μl
    • All wetted parts are made of ceramic (99,7% Al2O3) and PVDF
    • Integrated calibration function
    • PC interface

CAT DP 200, lab pump

Name Value
Min. dispensing volume [µl] 1.0
Max. dispensing volume [ml] 50.0
Continuous dispensing Yes
Time programmed dispensing
Flowrate range [ ml/min] 0.02 – 4.0
Dosing accuracy [%] < ±1.0
Coefficient of Variation, CV [%] < ±0.5
User Calibration Yes
Interface RS485
Analogue interface
TTL input
Integrated rinsing pump
Pump head ceramic type 20
Pump head type available T, TCS V, VCS
Pump head material Al2O3
Pump head sheathing material PVDF
Power supply [V] 24 VDC
Weight [kg] 1.5
Width [mm] 72
Height [mm] 163
Depth [mm] 111
Protection class according to DIN EN 60529 IP43
Certification CE
CAT – Produktöversikt


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