Microplate Washer APW-200

Microplate Washer APW-200

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Microplate Washer APW-200

1. Low residual liquid, each well ≤1µL
2. Compatible for microplates: flat, U, V, C bottom
3. 4.3 inch color LCD display, easy to operate
4. Washing head position can accurate to 0.1mm
5. Wash parameters can be set to make sure the best
washing effect
6. Support external U-disk, for program exporting
7. 100 programs can be saved
8. Uniform volume mark make it easy to measure the liquid
9. Automatic alarm for full liquid
10.Strainer in the pipeline and automatic washing functions
avoid the liquid blocking the pipeline
Easy Operation
The APW-200 Microplate Washer has 4.3 inch LCD display
with friendly interface, U-disk can be used to transfer the
datas between the PC and the washer or between two
washers, it can also be used to upgrade the software. The
washing head can be replaced easily for different kinds of
Safety and reliable feature
The APW-200 Microplate Washer is equipped with liquid
position sensor to avoid the washing liquid used up or waste
liquid from overflow, minimize the risk and avoid the liquid
being sucked into the pump to break the equipment. Besides
it has shaking function, which can improve the washing
Ordering information
Code Description
AS-16020-00 APW-200 Microplate Washer, 110V-240V
AS-16011-01 8 needles washing head
AS-16011-02 12 needles washing head
AS-16011-03 Washing liquid bottle
AS-16011-04 Waste liquid bottle

Microplate Washer APW-200


Residual liquid ≤1µL
Washing heads 1×8 or 1×12 heads
Plate types Flat, U, V, C bottom
Washing method Single-point, two points and multi points
Washing volume 50-2000µL, increase by 50µL
Washing times 99 times
Washing channels 3
Bottles 3pcs 2.5L washing bottle, 1pcs 2.5L waste bottle
Dispense accuracy ≤2%@300µL
Liquid injection accuracy CV≤1.5% @ 300µL
Soaking and shaking time 19’59”
Data connection USB
Weight 2kg
Power supply AC110-240V, 50/60Hz
 Microplate Washer APW-200
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