Automated Sealer Plate Sealer, — SealBio-2

Semi-Automated Plate Sealer

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Automated Sealer Plate Sealer, — SealBio-2

  • The SealBio-2 Plate Sealer is a semi-automatic thermal sealer which is ideal for the low to medium throughput laboratory that requires uniformand consistent sealing of micro-plates.
    1. With a small footprint (178×370mm), takes up less precious bench space than comparable instruments
    2. Available with a variety of available heat seals meet any laboratory application, including PCR, coulorimetric, fluorescence, long term storage, low emperature storage
    3. Formart different micro well plates and heat seals.
SealBio-2 Plate Sealer is a semi-automatic thermal sealer which is ideal for the low to medium throughput laboratory that requires uniformand consistent sealing of micro-plates. Unlike manual plate sealer , the SealBio-2 produces repeatable plate seals. With variable temperatureand time settings, sealing conditions are easily optimised to guarantee consistent result, eliminating sample loss. The SealBio-2 can be applied in product’s quality control of many manufacture enterprise such as plastic film, food, medical, inspection institute, scholastic scientific research and teaching experiment. Offering complete versatility, the SealBio-2 will accept a full range of plates for PCR, assay or storage applications.
1.Format different micro well plates and heat seals
2.Adjustable Sealing Temperature: 80 – 200°C
3.OLED display screen, high light and no visual angle limit
4.Precise temperature, timing and pressure for consistent sealing
5.Automatic counting function
6.Plate adapters allow use of virtually any ANSI microplate or PCR plate
7.Motorized drawer and motorized sealing platen guarantee consistent good results
8.Compact footprint: only 178mm wide x 370mm depth
9.Power requirments: AC120V or AC220V

Energy Saving Functions

1.When the SealBio-2 is left idle more than 60min, it will automatically switch into stand-by mode during when the temperature of the heating element is reduced to 60°C to save energy
2.When the SealBio-2 is left idle more than 120min, it will switch off automatically for safe. It will switch off the display and the heating element. then, the user can awaken the machine by pushing any button


Sealing time and temperature can be set by using the control knob, OLED display screen, high light and no visual angle limit.
1.Sealing time and temperature
2.Sealing pressure can be adjustable
3.Automatic counting function


1.If a hand or objects stuck in the drawer when it’s moving, the drawer motor will automatically reverse. This feature prevents injury to the user and the unit
2.Special and smart design on the drawer, it can be detached from the main device. So user can maintain or clean the heating element easily

 Code  Description
 AS-15020-00  Sealbio-2 AC220V, 50/60Hz,300W
 AS-15021-01  SBA-1 Standard plate adapter
 SBA-2 96-well PCR plate adapter
 AS-15021-03  SBA-3 Weighted sealing platen
 AS-15021-11  Seal-150 Peelable clear Seal
 AS-15021-12  Seal-200 Peelable Seal for storage
 AS-15021-13  Seal-300 Pierce Aluminum heating sealing film

Semi-Automated Plate Sealer

 Sealing temperature
 80 ~ 200℃ (increment of 1.0 ℃)
 Temperature accuracy
 Temperature uniformity
 Sealing time
 0.5 ~ 10 seconds (increment of 0.1s)
 Seal plate heights
 9 to 48mm
 Input Power
 Dimension (D x W x H)mm
 Compatible Plate Materials
 PP (Polypropylene)
 PS (Polystyrene)
 PE (Polyethylene)
 Compatible plate types
 SBS Standard plates, Deep-well plates
 PCR plates (Skirted, semi-skirted and no-skirted formats)
 Heating Sealing Films & Foils
 Foil-polyproylene laminate
 Clear polyester-polypropylene laminate
 Clear polymer
 Thin clear polymer
Code  Description
 AS-15020-00  Sealbio-2 AC220V, 50/60Hz,300W
 AS-15021-01  SBA-1 Standard plate adapter
 SBA-2 96-well PCR plate adapter
 AS-15021-03  SBA-3 Weighted sealing platen
 AS-15021-11  Seal-150 Peelable clear Seal
 AS-15021-12  Seal-200 Peelable Seal for storage
 AS-15021-13  Seal-300 Pierce Aluminum heating sealing film
Semi-Automated Plate Sealer
Semi-Automated Plate Sealer-1
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