Eppendorf – Varispenser® 2/ Varispenser® 2x

Varispenser® 2/ Varispenser® 2x

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Eppendorf – Varispenser® 2/ Varispenser® 2x

The new generation of Eppendorf bottletop dispensers Varispenser 2 and Varispenser 2x show improvements in many details. Their tight seal provides best possible protection against contact with caustic media. They are chemically resistant and fully autoclavable. Especially for Varispenser 2x with recirculation valve, the new design allows for extracting reproducible dispensing volumes with no reagent waste. Drying tube for protection of reagents against humidity or spiral discharge tube for easy serial dispensing, complete the Varispenser 2 / 2x to provide a convenient system of bottletop dispensers for most routine liquid handling tasks.
Safe and easy dispensing of liquids from bottles without compromise
The new Varispenser 2 and Varispenser 2x are the ideal choice for dispensing aliquots of liquid from supply and reagent bottles. Advanced sealing lip technology enables dispensing of nearly all kinds of acids, solutions or bases. Available in 6 sizes for dispensing volumes from 0.2 – 100 mL, these instruments are designed to consistently dispense selected volumes without reagent waste. All Varispenser bottletop dispensers are fully autoclavable for maximized safety in your lab. The Varispenser 2x has a recirculation valve which prevents reagent loss while ventilating.

Overcome challenges with liquids.

Often applications with a high demand on aggressiveness of chemical, throughput or sterility require the usage of accessories like a drying tube, filter or variable discharge tube for dispensing from reagent bottles. The choice of the correct accessory for your bottle top dispenser can speed up your workflow and reduce risk of contamination. Read more on how to overcome challenges in liquid dispensing by using the right accessories for bottle top dispensers in our White Paper No. 38 / May 2017

Varispenser® 2/ Varispenser® 2x

Safety and chemical resistance.

The built-in safety features of Varispenser 2 and Varispenser 2x protect the user from accidental spills and ensure smooth, trouble-free dispenser operation. For use with a wide range of compatible liquids – including corrosive and inflammable liquids, liquids of high viscosity, detergent solutions, foaming liquids or liquids with high vapor pressure or density – Varispenser 2 and Varispenser 2x have a broad application base in biology, pharmaceutical, chemistry or forensic labs. These bottle top dispenser models can be used with a variety of liquid reagents while providing superior sealing over a wide range of temperatures and viscosities.

Varispenser® 2/ Varispenser® 2x

Eppendorf – Varispenser® 2/ Varispenser® 2x

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