Eppendorf Move It® Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes

Move It® Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes

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Eppendorf Move It® Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes

Do you frequently transfer samples between different vessel formats, such as between tubes and plates, and strive for more efficient and safe solutions? The new adjustable tip spacing pipette Move It® accelerates and simplifies synchronous pipetting of a series of samples. A unique design without tubing connections results in increased precision and durability as well as user and sample safety.
Double your pipetting performanceEppendorf redefined adjustable tip spacing pipettes from scratch according to their premium standards. Move It® is the result of customer requests for an efficient and safe solution for synchronous pipetting of a series of samples between different vessel formats, such as between tubes and plates. What is unique about the new Move It? It can do this without any tubing connections between cone and piston-cylinder system. This enhances pipetting performance: Fewer movable, often fragile parts, means more precision and durability. Move It is autoclavable which increases user and sample safety.
Move It® Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes
Move It® selection guide
With the selection guide, it is possible to choose the right pipette for every application at a glance. Select source and destination format according to your application and then select the channel and volume-variant best suited to your application. Each variant is available as mechanical Research® plus and electronic Xplorer® plus pipette.Move It® Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes
One pipette – Many formats
Move It® adjustable tip spacing pipettes significantly accelerate and simplify the workflow when frequent format changes are required. Let’s get ready to move a series of samples synchronously between different vessel formats, such as between tubes and plates. The operating time is significantly less than when using single-channel pipettes. For microplates, tubes, and agarose gels, the tip spacing can be freely selected between 4.5 and 33 mm depending on the model.Move It® Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes
Easy and fast tip spacing adjustment
Source and destination formats can be adjusted and locked with the format limiter which quickly switches forward and backward within the set formats. This means less concentration is required when setting the next pipetting step, saving valuable time. The format adjustment itself is carried out manually with an adjustment knob. The format change is designed to allow the user to always maintain a relaxed body and hand position.Move It® Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes
Tubeless system for reliability and safety
The Eppendorf way: Move It® adjustable tip spacing multichannel pipette works without any tubing connections between cone and piston-cylinder system. This design offers special advantages compared with conventional instruments:› Potential problems caused by the presence of tubing, such as porosity and leaks, are not an issue here. Instead, fewer moving, often fragile parts in Move It® multichannel pipettes increase precision and durability› By eliminating tubing, the size of the air cushions is reduced to a minimum which has an additional positive effect on precision and accuracy

› Move It® can be autoclaved (Research® plus fully, Xplorer® plus lower part only) which additionally increases user and sample-safety

Move It® Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes

Rotatable pipette head – 360°
An ergonomic optimization of your workplace can help to make workflows more streamlined. As Move It® adjustable tip spacing multichannel pipettes are designed without the need of tubing, the pipette head is completely 360° rotatable. The user benefits from comfortable readability of the display. This not only supports an ergonomic and relaxed body posture. At the same time, it ensures fast identification of all parameters saving you valuable time.Move It® Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes
Optimal balance for a relaxed hand
Furthermore, Move It® adjustable pipettes can help minimize hand and body fatigue. Encouraged by a study that showed that a good balance is more important to the user than the overall weight, Eppendorf product engineers have developed a special design concept. They replaced some inner parts of the pipette with metal parts. The result is a well-balanced and ergonomic pipette. It ensures that tips and samples are clearly visible at all times without great physical effort.Move It® Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes

Eppendorf Move It® Adjustable Tip Spacing Pipettes

  • 4, 6, 8 and 12-channel* air-cushion pipettes with variable volume and adjustable tip spacing
  • Available as mechanical (Research® plus) and electronic (Xplorer® plus) adjustable tip spacing multichannel pipette
  • For plates (384, 96, 48, 24 and 12-well), tubes (1.5 and 2.0 mL), and agarose gels
  • Tip spacing freely selectable from 4.5 to 33 mm, depending on pipette variant
  • Format limiter for quick switches backwards and forwards between source and destination formats
  • Manual adjustment knob for smooth vibration-free format switches and liquid transfers without dripping
  • Tubeless system for reliability and safety
  • Autoclavable for user and sample safety (Research® plus fully, and Xplorer® plus lower part only)
  • 360° rotatable pipette head for comfortable readability of display and fast identification of parameters
  • Optimally balanced pipette reduces hand fatigue for stress-free operation

*12-channel and all other 4.5 mm versions (light pink and light yellow) will be available from 2021 onwards

Brochure – 384. Ready. Set. Pipette!
Brochure – Move It!
Brochure – Natural Winners
Brochure – Simply better pipetting
Eppendorf produktkatalog


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