Capp – CappTrio pipett

Enkanalspipett med set om tre utbytbara volymknappar i fasta volymer

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Capp – CappTrio pipett

CAPPTrio fixed volume pipette is world’s only fixed pipette with multiple interchangeable fixed volumes within one pipette unit! The volume mechanism of this fixed pipette is placed in the small, detachable volume knob on the top of the pipette. CAPPTrio fixed volume pipettes come with 3 fixed volume knobs, allowing you to easily switch from one fixed volume to the other by simply removing the volume knob and putting the other one onto the pipette. CAPPTrio fixed volume micropipette is ideal for routine work. All CAPP fixed volume micropipettes are fully autoclavable expect for the detachable volume knobs. You can easily clean them with commonly used cleaning and disinfection agents.

CAPPTrio fixed volume micropipettes are also available in customized volumes. Additionally each CAPP fixed volume pipette can be easily upgraded to a variable volume pipette, simply by putting the variable volume knob onto the pipette. Having bought CAPPTrio fixed volume pipette, you can always order additional variable volume knobs with CAPP.

Recommended tips for CAPP fixed volume micropipette

(10µl XL)
(1000µl XL)
Bulk, Filtered Expell 5131030C 5131060C 5131066C 5131090C 5131150C x
Racked, Filtered Expell x x x x 5130150C 5130123C
ExpellPlus 5030030C 5030060C 5030066C 5030090C x x
Bulk, Non-Filtered ExpellPlus 5030010C 5030040C 5030070C x x x
Racked, Non-Filtered Expell x x x x 5130140C 5130122C
ExpellPlus 5030020C 5030050C x 5030080C x x


(10µl XL)
(1000µl XL)
Bulk Expell 5130010C 5130040C 4130075C  5130070C 4130135C  5130130C 5130120C
Racked Expell 5030015C 5030045C 5030075C 5130135C 5130121C
Reload Expell 5030035C 5030055C 5030095C x 5130155C
Empty Racks Expell 5030034C 5030054C 5030095C x 5130125C

Capp – CappTrio pipette


Cat. No. Description Inaccuracy % Imprecision %
C10-T1 CAPP Tri-volume 1ul, 5ul and 10ul 2.50 /1.00 1.80 /0.50
C100-T2 CAPP Tri-volume 20ul, 50ul and 100ul 2.00 /0.70 0.80 /0.20
C1000-T3 CAPP Tri-volume 200ul, 500ul and 1000ul 1.50 /0.80 0.40 /0.15
CXXX-T CAPP Tri-Volume Custom Set
Capp – CappTrio – Produktblad
Capp – Pippetter – Produktkatalog


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