Capp – CappR10 – Repeterande pipett


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Capp – CappR10 – Repeterande pipett

CAPPR10 repeater pipette has a highly user friendly vision panel, enabling you to easily choose the correct repeating pipette tip suitable for the desired volume and number of repetitive dispensings. The dosing table of the vision panel shows all dosing possibilities at a glance. Simultaneously, R10 repeater pipettor gives you the ultimate flexibility: 12 tip sizes, 10 volume adjustments and 120 program steps. CAPP R10 repeater pipette is handy and perfectly ergonomic, enabling you one handed operation of volume selection, loading and dispensing of liquids. Using a repeating pipette couldn’t be more convenient: the easy-moving dosing button in combination with the low weight of the instrument makes long dosing series most comfortable. CAPP R10 repeater pipettor is compatible not only with CAPPHarmony repeater pipette syringes but also with repeater pipette tips of many common brands. Reliable & maintenance-free due to its robust design, CAPP R10 repeating pipette is highly resistant towards a broad range of chemicals. CAPPR10 repeater pipette offers reliable ergonomics for your lab routine without sacrificing ultimate precision.

Capp – CappR10 – Repeater pipette


Cat. No. Description
PR-10 CAPP R10 mechanical repeater
SK-PR-10 One CAPP R10 repeater and one CAPPHarmony syringes samples package (includes 5 pieces of bulk syringes from 0.05 to 25mL and 5 pieces of sterile)
CAPPR10 dispensing volumes
Program number
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
 0,05 ml  1 μl  1,5 μl  2 μl  2,5 μl  3 μl  3,5 μl  4 μl  4,5 μl  5 μl  5,5 μl
 0,10 ml  2 μl  3 μl  4 μl  5 μl  6 μl  7 μl  8 μl  9 μl  10 μl  11 μl
 0,20 ml  4 μl  6 μl  8 μl  10 μl  12μl  14 μl  16 μl  18 μl  20 μl  22 μl
 0,50 ml  10 μl  15 μl  20 μl  25 μl  30 μl 35 μl  40 μl  45 μl  50 μl  55 μl
 1,00 ml  20 μl  30 μl  40 μl  50 μl  60 μl 70 μl  80 μl  90 μl 100 μl 110 μl
 1,25 ml  25 μl 37,5 μl  50 μl 62,5 μl  75 μl 87,5 μl 100 μl 112,5 μl 125 μl 137,5 μl
 2,50 ml  50 μl  75 μl  100 μl 125 μl  150 μl 175 μl 200 μl 225 μl 250 μl 275 μl
 5,00 ml  100 μl 150 μl 200 μl 250 μl  300 μl 350 μl 400 μl 450 μl 500 μl 550 μl
 10,00 ml  200 μl 300 μl 400 μl 500 μl  600 μl 700 μl 800 μl 900 μl 1000 μl 1100 μl
 12,50 ml  250 μl 375 μl 500 μl 625 μl  750 μl 875 μl 1000 μl 1125 μl 1250 μl 1375 μl
 25,00 ml  500 μl 750 μl 1000 μl 1250 μl 1500 μl 1750 μl 2000 μl 2250 μl 2500 μl 2750 μl
 50,00 ml   1000 μl  1500 μl  2000 μl  2500 μl  3000 μl  3500 μl  4000 μl  4500 μl  5000 μl  5500 μl
48  31  22  18  14  12  10  9  8  7
Capp – CappR10 – Produktblad
Capp – Pippetter – Produktkatalog



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