GRANT FTA-1 – Aspirator


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GRANT FTA-1 – Aspirator

The aspirator with trap flask FTA-1 with a 1L trap flask is designed for the aspiration or removal of any remaining alcohol or buffer from microtest tube walls during DNA / RNA purification and other macromolecule re-precipitation techniques. An ideal personal tool for independent operation away from an inline labvacuum supply.

  • Compact, efficient, easy to use
  • Flexible for the user by offering a choice of either a single tip operation or a multi-tip option with 8 tips for use on standard PCR type plates.
  • The integrated micro-biological filter is hydrophobic and designed to trap any bacteria, viruses or infected particles which may have been present in the aspirated solutions.
  • The unit can stand directly inside a workstation, supplied with a slim 12V power cord
  • 2 Year warranty

The unit can also be used for routine operations of cells washing from culture medium and resuspension in a buffer.

The operation principle is based on creating negative pressure in the trapping flask using an built-in micro-compressor. The collecting tip is connected with polyethylene tube to the trapping flask. Liquid is removed from the microtest tube when the collecting tip touches the solution surface.

A tube holder-organiser is conveniently located on the right hand side of the FTA-1. This can accommodate two tubes e.g. one for a hydrochloric acid solution and one for a distillate which is necessary for tip washing and storing, such that a tip can be re-used.

A suction microbiological filter eliminates risk of contamination from the trap flask with bacteria, viruses and infected particles. The suction microbiological filter is hydrophobic: with efficiency up to 99.9% it holds particles bigger than 0.027 micron, which are smaller than agents of Hepatitis A, B and C.

The use of an aspirator is preferential to using a generic laboratory vacuum line as it restricts the possibility of contamination and can be used exactly where the operator is located i.e. no need for a dedicated position in the laboratory to perform the aspirator.


Aspiration/removal of alcohol/buffer remaining quantities from microtest tube walls during DNA/RNA purification and other macromolecule reprecipitation techniques. For routine operations of cells washing from culture medium and resuspension in buffer.

FTA-1 – Optional accessories

Part No


MA-8 8 channel adaptor kit, includes tube adaptor, 8 channel aspiration tip, 8 channel tip holder
MA-8T 8-channel aspiration tip
FA-1 Replacement filter
FTA-B Replacement blue cap for 1L bottle
FTA-T Tubing set including all tubing with fittings except filter and aspiration tip

GRANT FTA-1 – Aspirator


Dimensions (h x d x w) 340 x 210 x 160mm
Trap flask volume 1L
Vacuum -500mbar
Flow rate (aqueous solution) 72 with aspiration tip 666 without aspiration tip
External power supply Input AC 120-230V, 50/60Hz Output DC 12V
Power consumption 3.6W (0.3A)
Input voltage 12V dc
Weight 1.7kg
GRANT FTA-1- Produktblad
Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog  


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